Winnipeg UBF Introduction & Prayer Topics by M. Paul Kim, Canada

You Give Them Something to Eat!

Mark 6:37 “But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”

Hello! Let me introduce Winnipeg UBF ministry. Winnipeg UBF is currently a single house church ministry, serving the Univ. of Manitoba campus in the city of Winnipeg, Canada. In 2012, God called and sent my family to Winnipeg to pioneer the Univ. of Manitoba campus ministry. God prepared my family with His word of encouragement from Joshua 1:6-9, “Be strong and courageous…, be strong and very courageous…, have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” According to His word, he has been always faithful with my single family for four years in our new settlement. He provided every necessity for us to serve Him and His ministry. Every July, we remembered to celebrate our anniversary of UM pioneering ministry with our thankful heart. God enabled my family to come to visit UM every week to faithfully build our altar of prayer for four years. God provided my full-time nursing job to be able to support my family and to settle a single house church ministry stably in Winnipeg. We could share the word of God with various people from workplace, school, and neighborhood as well as UM. From this coming fall term, M. Sarah, our first son Daniel, and myself, we three will be studying at UM. We are very thankful for God’s graceful guidance and opportunity that we could directly commit our heart and time for Jesus and His campus salvation ministry for another four years inside the UM campus. Daniel is willingly encouraging us with his decision to join our Bible reading ministry with his friend. We are praying to invite our friends and classmates to join our daily Bible reading ministry at lunch time during fall and winter term that can be one of our five loaves and two fish brought to Jesus. Jesus wants us to learn his compassion and to participate in his accountability on UM students. And I believe that he will accept our five loaves and two fish and bless them for us to raise disciples of Jesus among UM students.

The prayer topics of Winnipeg UBF are as follows:

  1. To learn Jesus’ compassion by obeying his word, “You give them something to eat!”
  2. To participate in Jesus’ accountability to feed UM students with the word of God.
  3. For Daniel, Daphne, Mourine and Reem to continue to have our Bible reading fellowship.
  4. To raise one Abraham and one Sarah from UM campus ministry in 10 years.
  5. To officially register our Bible Reading Club for UM students in His time.

One Word: You give them something to eat!