St. Louis UBF had CME with Dr. John & Sarah Sunji Jun

St. Louis UBF had the 1st CME (Continuing Missionary Education) with Dr. John and Sarah Sunji Jun from July 26th through 31st at the Bible house. We studied Ephesians 1:1-19, 2:1-10, Galatians 5:16-26, and testimony meeting. On Sunday (July 31st) Dr. John delivered the English message based on the first lecture. Dr. John Jun led all the group Bible studies for 10 Korean missionaries and served HBF and American shepherds (Kit West and Peter Pei joined). Through Ephesians study we learned that we must repent of our sins and remember spiritual blessings which come from Jesus Christ every day so that we can overcome all present sufferings and difficulties in this world (Eph 1:3). God also taught us that our missionaries must renew God’s divine calling everyday as God’s handiwork in order to do good works in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10) All our missionaries repented with tears based on the word of God while sharing testimonies and renewed the grace of salvation and God’s calling as missionaries and shepherds. As a usual Dr. John and Sunji Jun, despite their long trip from Chicago by train, served all of us as parents served their lovely children. We were moved by their unchanging love and shepherd heart for our missionaries. Above all we were challenged by Dr. John Jun’s unceasing fighting spirit and gospel faith. We really thank God for sending his precious servants here to serve us and encourage us with the living words of God and fellowship. We continue to pray for their CME ministry around the world and to provide necessary health and the Holy Spirit.

Paul Choi