Alex Cole and Brooke Rumphol’s house church

Praise and thank God who established Alex Cole and Brooke Rumphol’s house church at 2:30 p.m. on July 30, 2016 at Chippewa Valley Bible Church, Chippewa Falls, WI.  Alex and Brooke have been studying the Bible with Msn. Joanne and Dr. Abraham Lee over last two years.  Through Bible study, they came to know the Creator God and the Savior Jesus Christ personally. They experienced the divine love of God and marvelous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Both of them have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and have accepted him as the Lord of their life. God has led them to establish a family under his reign and blessing. They chose Genesis 12:2 as the key verse for their house church: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”  Paul Dang blessed their wedding with the message, “You will be a blessing.” John and Sarah Dang blessed their marriage with a special song, “Cornerstone.” We pray that Alex and Brooke may remember God’s grace and mercy upon them and live as heirs of God’s promise and calling.  May the Lord God help them to love, respect and submit to each other and conquer challenges of their life together by putting God first in all circumstances.  May the Lord God bless them and use them as Bible teachers and shepherds to raise disciples of Jesus Christ among campus students. May the Lord God bless them and make them a blessing to their family and friends, community, and the world. Amen!