Toledo Campus Prays

1 Timothy 2:1 - "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people."

Toledo UBF is helping to facilitate a "Toledo Campus Prays" event on Sept. 1, 2016. We have been making friends and engaging with various campus ministries, organizations and leaders as well as local churches in the campus community. So far we have more the 10 committed groups, ministries, churches, denominations, organizations, etc. who will participate and help promote the event.

Please pray for:

(1) the event to be a time to worship, pray and unite those who share God's heart in Christ for the college students on campus;

(2) a time for the Body of Christ to cover the college students, faculty, staff and administrators at the University of Toledo in prayer;

(3) a time to engage student excitement, participation and revival on campus;

(4) to form stronger relational partnerships within the Body of Christ for His mission on the University of Toledo campus.

Attached is the tentative flyer for the event that we plan to have all the different campus ministries and groups use to promote and pass out during the campus student organization activities fair in late August.