Toronto UBF Summer Conference, 2016

“but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.” (1 Cor 1:23)

Our Toronto UBF had SBC on July 1-3, at Ganaraska Forest Cntre about one hour driving distance from Toronto. God blessed our registration with 30 people (including 3 CBF). Our theme was “the cross of Christ” with the title, “Christ crucified” based on 1 Corinthians 1:23, 24.

Dr. David Kim opened the conference with the opening message, “Christ crucified.” He spoke that although the message of the cross is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to Gentile, and so not welcomed in our society, it is the power of God and the wisdom of God for the salvation of perishing mankind. After supper M. Peter gave us a graceful message on Luke 15:11-32, and we could think of the welcoming love of our heavenly Father behind the cross of Jesus. 

After the message Maryam shared her life testimony. She was born in Iraq in 1991, when the fierce battle was going on there. She grew up in the fear of the war. Now in her faith Christ Jesus she wants to be a soldier of Christ. We pray for her to establish a family in God next year with her fiancé, who also attended this conference. On that night there was a joyful dancing program with the participation of even our CBF children, which reflected God’s seeking heart for the lost. We all joined dancing at the end. 

On the second day, at the morning devotion hour Jemmie delivered a message on Luke 7:36-50, with the title “Forgiveness and love.” She has lived as a morally upright person, but through her message preparation, she realized her inner rottenness with her woman's cursed desire, and confessed her sin that she gave a bad influence on one boy sheep in the past, even without intention. But Jesus has borne with her with forgiving love thus far. Now, she wants to pour out her heart and love on Jesus, bearing Jesus' grace upon her.

After breakfast there were 3 Group Bible studies led by Nicole, Jemmie, and Rebekah. Then, Ian gave the main message on Luke 9:18-27, “The Christ of God.” He revealed how Jesus is his personal Christ as well as the Christ of God for all sinners very clearly: Jesus had saved him from an immoral and self-seeking life as a film-maker, and dramatically changed him into a new creation and a disciple of Jesus. He also showed the way of Jesus' disciple which is the only way to eternal life and eternal glory, though his own vivid struggle to deny himself and take up his cross daily for the last 2 years. He wants to hold Luke 9:23 as the key verse of his house church which will be established with Jemmie this fall. 

In the afternoon we had 3 hours of testimony writing and then 2 hours of sports fellowship. After supper we had crucifixion symposium by M. Moses on Luke 23:32-49, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” and M. Esther on John 19:16b-37, “It is finished.” Their messages powerfully portrayed Jesus crucified for the forgiveness of our sins and completion of our salvation. It seemed that we were brought in front of Jesus' cross at the Calvary. Right after the crucifixion symposium, we held a personal prayer hour during which many cried out with tears of repentance.  Then, many stayed up till very late to continue to write testimony, some till  4 am. 

On the third day, Sunday morning, to our amazement, 10 people (6 Bible students and 4 growing leaders) shared their sincere testimonies with tears of repentance and thanks and with a personal decision of faith to follow Jesus. It was truly marvelous work of God's words and his Spirit through this conference. And this was the greatest fruit of the conference.

Abraham Lee, a 2nd gen, gave us Sunday message on Luke 7:11-17, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” It was for the first time for him to be a messenger. Yet he clearly spoke the word of God, accepting one word himself. He testified that when he had no word in his heart, he despaired and was deadened. But when he had the word of Jesus, he could be restored and alive and as a result was accepted to Michener Institute, which he starts from this September. He prays not only to overcome his study but also feed one student there by faith. M. James gave us the closing message on Matthew 28:16-20, “Go and make disciples of all nations”, escalating the conference to the end and giving a clear direction. 

We all thank God for his abundant blessing upon this conference. And we desire to have this kind of truly "Bible" conference again and again. The cross of Christ may be the only firm foundation for our personal life of faith and for the discipleship ministry. May God raise 12 disciples of Jesus who have firm gospel faith, and 12 shepherds' families in U of T by 2020, and change this city Toronto a holy city, and Canada, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation!

M. Joshua Lee