HBF Uganda Mission Trip

Our missions team will be having Daily Bread meetings from Monday-Friday, July 11-15, at7 a.m. at the HBF office as prayer for the Uganda missions trip. We will continue to hold Daily Bread meetings in Uganda, as well as study one book of the Bible, 1 John, with testimony writing/sharing in the evenings. 

In addition, the team will have a BBQ on Wednesday, July 6-9 pm, at Francis and Theresa Choi's home at 6722 N. Talman. Food will be provided by HBF leaders. Please feel free to send a dessert or side dish. 

On Sunday, July 17, at 2 p.m., we will have a prayer meeting at the center parking lot before going to the airport to send off the Uganda missions trip members. 

On Sunday, July 24, our team plans to attend Makere UBF worship service. Moses Lee will share his life testimony. Our members will also give an offering to Makere UBF. 

During our missions trip, we will be assisting in two one-day Creation-theme VBS hosted by Show Mercy International at 2 schools, with 400 students each. Our team members will purchase and bring face paint, beads, candy and sports supplies to be used in these events. 

A more detailed itinerary of our missions trip is forthcoming from SMI and we will share it with you promptly. 

Thank you for your prayer support. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to respond or contact us. 

Sh. Yvonne Lee