M.Moody Kim's Remembrance of his Father, Chicago UBF

“They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

Praise and thank God, our Father in heaven that he loved each of us so much so that he sent his One and Only Son, Christ Jesus our Lord, who loved each of us dearly that he laid down his life breaking his body and pouring out his precious holy blood on the cross to forgive all our sins, rose again from the dead and was ascended into heaven opening the door of the glorious kingdom of God for each of us, the beloved children of God!

Today I heard my father left to be with his Father in heaven and his Lord, Christ Jesus in the glorious kingdom of heaven. Momentarily I was sad, but soon I remembered that he is now in the Holy City, the new Jerusalem. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. His compassionate and loving Father will wipe every tear from his eyes. 

My father was a honest, hard working and sacrificial father for his five children and a good husband to his wife. He accepted Jesus as his personal Savior when I had Isaiah 53 Bible study with him many years ago. Since then he has been faithful to Jesus serving the body of Christ as a deacon. He loved the word of God until he wrote the New Testament with his own hand. My mother and he read the Bible together and sang hymns together for 4 hours at home every day. Even during fighting against prostate cancer and all kinds of complications which caused him so much physical pain, he always responded, "Amen" whenever my mother read the word of God to him and sang hymns for him. He along with my mother supported UBF campus ministry with much prayers. 

Your debtor in Jesus, 

M. Moody Kim
