Eight CBF Members were Baptized, Chicago UBF

On Saturday, June 17, at 11 a.m. at Chicago UBF Center, eight CBF members were baptized by Pastor Ron Ward. They are Grace Koh, Jr., Stephen Yu, Annie Lee, Jr., Frieda Guzman, Caesar Guzman, Hannah Miller, Judah Stasinos, and William Magardecian. Four are in middle school, and four (Stephen, Annie, Frieda and Hannah) have just graduated from middle school. Around 50 people attended. After giving a message on Matthew 28:20-23, Pastor Ron examined the candidates about their faith in Jesus. Then each one shared a testimony of how they personally accepted Jesus, grew in faith, and decided to be baptized. Through their testimonies, they testified how the word of God through CBF, one to one Bible study, Daily Bread, and daily Bible reading strengthened them to overcome the temptations and trials middle school life fraught with peer pressure, academics,  depression and anxiety. Through meeting Jesus as Lord, they also overcame painful life struggles such as death. They shared how they really struggled with prayers and tears to overcome and depend on Jesus and God's word personally, with the help and care of their parents, Bible teachers and CBF leaders.  Afterwards Pastor Ron assisted by Tim Mc Eathron baptized them. Then, prayer servants prayed for them one by one.   Afterwards, the attendants formed a line, shook their hands, and welcomed them into God's family. Parents graciously served lunch in the basement. And, later at 3 p.m., some of those baptized performed in the Disciples/ Adult Chorus concert, and Frieda played a piano solo which she also performed at her graduation.  Overall, the day was full of God's grace on these children's lives. 

By Yvonne Lee