M. Luke Moon's prayer Topics

M. Luke Moon requires surgery for prostate cancer 

M. Luke recently retired from over 10 years’ employment at US Bank. Soon after, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer after blood tests and a tissue biopsy. Furthermore, through the Pre-op EKG and stress test, he was diagnosed with the blockage of several heart vessels. After the cardiac angiogram, he underwent quadruple bypass surgery successfully. His postoperative condition was uneventful. God heard his servants’ earnest prayers and his health has been nicely recovering. 

Another problem is that he needs surgery for prostate cancer in a few weeks. Depending on the result of lymph node biopsy during the surgery of prostate, whether or not he needs further chemotherapy will be decided. 

M. Luke constantly needs your prayer support . Please pray for the successful surgery of prostate cancer without the requirement of chemotherapy. May God recover his health completely by His help.