The praise and worship team had a wonderful mini conference (5/29-30)

The main purpose of this program was: (1) establishing the biblical understanding of worship and (2) offering a praise/worship night to our Chicago UBF community.

God blessed our program and we had total 16 attendees. We had three GBSs based on Ex, Heb, and Eph4/1Co14, which gave us biblically sound understanding of worship with much inspiration. The praise and worship night was also blessed with 30-40 attendees who praised Jesus with one voice. Some attendees even wanted to have this praise and worship night periodically.

Thank you for your support and prayer. I believe your continual support and interest will be a great encouragement to the team members.


Worship Boot Camp (1st)


Attendees (16 total): Daniel P., Helen K., Joshua Jung, Teresa Hwangbo, Erick L., Andrew Y., Art M., Sarah L., Joe Park, Tim F., Miriam, Joshua Park, Ine Suh, Abe F., Paul M., Joshua P. (Triton)

1. Program Schedule

 DAY 1 (5/29)

[1:00 pm – 2:00 pm] Lunch (joining UIC monthly lunch - Leningrad)
[2:00 pm – 4:00 pm] GBS 1 (Daniel P. - Center) ‘The Old Covenant Priestly Kingdom – Exodus’
[4:00 pm – 6:00 pm] Praise Practice (all members - Center)
[6:00 pm – 7:00 pm] Dinner (Art M. - Center)
[7:00 pm – 9:00 pm] Praise and Worship Night (all members - Center)

 DAY 2 (5/30 - Leningrad)

[7:00 am – 8:15 am] Daily Bread + Morning Worship (Sarah L.)
[8:15 am – 9:00 am] Breakfast (Daniel P.)  
[9:00 am – 12:00 pm] GBS 2  ‘The New Covenant Priestly Kingdom – Hebrews’
[12:00 pm – 1:00 pm] Lunch (Joshua J.)
[1:00 pm – 3:00 pm] GBS 3  ‘Worship in the Assembly of His People - Eph.4 / 1Cor.14’
[3:00 pm – 4:00 pm] Discussion Session (Joshua J.)

2. Roles and Responsibilities

  • GBSs (Daniel P.)
  • Praise and Worship Night (all members)
  • Meal order (1st day: dinner-Art M. / 2nd day: breakfast-Daniel P., lunch-Joshua J.)
  • Discussion Session (Joshua J.)
  • Daily Bread + Morning Worship (Sarah L.)
  • Tech (Erick L.)
  • Photo (Andrew Y.)

3. Discussion Session – Suggested Items (not decided)

  • Summer/fall praise and worship night plan
  • Right before UIC fall semester: Sunday evening, 7/3 (?)
  • Three-team flow (Triton, HBF, Chicago) with a 10-15min message
  • Invite P. Kevin, and if he cannot come, another church leader
  • Establishing Worship Team Guideline  

    • Leader should communicate the practice time in advance. All should come to the practice on time, and otherwise the late/absent person cannot perform on Sunday.
    • All should notify at least one week in advance if they are not coming to the practice. Otherwise probation.
    • When people discuss during the practice, the players should stop playing instruments.
  • Team building items
    • Have more fellowship and small interactions like coffee and ice cream time
    • Establish a vision statement: where we going, what we want to accomplish
    • Making a team name? Next Exodus? Nex? Nexodus?
    • Create a facebook group for the team as a channel for communication and some other purposes
    • Possibility of establishing the team fund: talk to P. Ron
    • More GBSs: possibly 6/26 dinner&discussion and GBS
  • New team structure  
    • Making another team and reorganizing the current two teams
    • Yearly worship workshop for adding new members

4. Previous Discussion Session – Suggested Items (4/30/2016)

Attendees: Matt C., Andrew Y., Sarah L., Abe and Tim F., Helen K., Daniel P., Erick, Joshua J., Miriam, Philmar

  •  Discussion session
  •  Worship Boot Camp [Achieved]
  •  Summer/fall praise worship night [Achieved]
  •  How to develop the team and members in the context of Chicago UBF
  •  Vision and goal to be on the same page  
  •  Building praise and worship community