NEIU Newsletter, Chicago UBF

Thursday Night has come alive

Nearly two months ago, Darren and Helen launched a new outreach venture called Thursday Night Alive highlighting worship, prayer, and teaching from the Word of God. Their aim is to provide a place where anyone, and especially students, can enjoy fellowship with each other while spending time with the Lord. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Recently, they hosted a special night dedicated to Philmar’s short-term mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. The evening featured a message on spiritual leadership, a testimony by Helen about her experience as a missionary in the U.S., with a time for questions and answers afterward, and of course, plenty of food for dinner. As you look over these pictures, please remember to pray for Philmar and her team as they are currently on their trip.

Editors and contributors wanted

Our newsletter is now in its eighth month, and we are still looking for editors. If you would like to contribute an article please email Darren