Chicago UBF United Friday Meeting - Easter Conference Reports

On April 15, the Chicago Area UBF had a united Friday meeting to share out Easter conference reports.  Two hundred people attended. Sam Toh, who is the HBF Coordinator and who made a decision of faith to quit his teaching job and joined UBF staff this Spring, shared a summary of God's work through the various Easter conferences.

Afterwards, Joshua Jeon, of Austin UBF, shared a report on how God has been working in their ministry through one to one Bible study to raise committed disciples of Jesus. In February, Austin UBF established the first house church of Justin and Brittani Ford. Afterwards, representatives shared their testimonial reports of how God in their hearts to accept newly Jesus’ death and resurrection newly. At UIC’s conference, 6 young leaders were baptized. In HBF, 6 seniors shared the main messages. At Truman’s conference, they prayed to finance the students’ conference fees and experienced many miracles, including a parent who offered $100.  At Northeastern, coworkers humbly and joyfully worked together in love and unity. At Northwestern, student leaders took stewardship and gave the messages and prepared the programs. At North Park, Grace Seo, who was also baptized, planned, organized, and led the conference. Our hearts were melted by Jesus’ life-giving work shared in all the testimonies. For example, Nick Steen, a Northeastern graduate student, testified how he was changed mightily through the word of God, from a dysfunctional youth to a child of God over a decade of Bible study. Also, Sarah Lee, NU, shared honestly how she struggled intensively to confess, to pray and to come to Jesus to overcome her feelings for an unbelieving man. Afterwards, Pastor Kevin Albright gave announcements to pray continually for revival in Chicago UBF. Then, he served a chicken dinner to celebrate his son Peter Albright’s wedding to Mary Pierce, Missionary Birgit Pierce’s daughter, on April 8. Thank God for his gracious work in and through our Easter conferences. Please pray for Chicago area campuses to revive one to one among college and high school students. 

By Yvonne Lee