New Building Dedication of Washington D.C UBF

Thanks for your prayer support for our new building.

It was built with faith and prayer and God will be honored in this building.

​Below are the highlight of the program.

Four best speakers to inspire us to have God's vision.

P. Mark Vucekovich: The role of Christians as the light of the world.

P. Abraham Kim: God's purpose of calling Israel and Christians as a holy nation.

Rev. Ho Sungkee: the fourth wave of mission paradigm for 21st century in the context of professional missionary sending  strategy in America.

Nehemiah Kim from Kwangju: the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem as we pray for spiritual revival of America through campus mission.

Also we have four life testimony speakers.

Wynelle Nett from Germany

David Brogi from Washington

Phillip Brown from C mission

Dr. Paul Hong from Toledo

Special lectures from Kang Deug Hyun from Hankang UBF. The topics will be anthropology, salvation, and the Holy Spirit to assist us to understand the basic theological foundation.