UIC Easter Conference, 2016

The UIC/Columbia/U of I EBC conference was held March 18-20, 2016 with the theme, “Being Renewed,” based on the key verse Colossian 3:10 which states, “and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” The title reflects our prayer to understand and grow in our sanctification. Before the conference, we had a five-day prayer meeting, where we learned about Sanctification through the five lectures and five testimonies on how God has sanctified us. 

The conference opened Friday evening with a gospel message by Stephanie Polvi who is interning at UIC ministry this semester based on Romans 1:16.  We learned that sin is to replace God with ourselves. As a result, we lost God’s image in us.  But Jesus’ death and resurrection is the power to destroy our old self and renew our new self.  And the two life-testimonies by Joann and Karina revealed God’s renewing power in their lives. We had a prayer vigil and God worked in students’ hearts to bring them to faith in Christ. 

Student leaders worked hard to prepare to lead group Bible studies on Colossians 3 and Romans 7/8. We studied these passages Saturday and Sunday morning. Daniel Park then delivered the main message on Colossians 3. The Holy Spirit worked to help him deliver a clear and powerful message. To support this message, we had three workshops on sanctification: sanctification of the body for men, sanctification of the body for women, and sanctification of the heart. 

The highlight of the conference was God’s work Saturday night when nine students shared their life testimonies in preparation for their baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Anthony Llereza gave a short message on the meaning of baptism based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. The students were baptized the following Sunday at the Chicago UBF Easter worship service.  After their testimonies, the church welcomed him by singing “We are God’s people.” 

On the last day of the conference, Sammy Lee shared a sincere and gracious message on Romans 7/8. He personally accepted that in his life of sanctification there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Through his message, we were encouraged to live a life governed by the Spirit but by the flesh. 

This Easter God used student leaders to bring their SSN students to the conference and God raised these leaders as shepherds of God’s flock. Among the 113 conference attendees, 38  were college students.  We were glad to see God’s answer to our prayers for men disciples. We pray that God may continue to make UIC ministry a student-led ministry and may grow SSN group Bible study students as disciples of Christ.