Thanksgiving words from M. David Kim Sr. Tempe, USA

Praise Jesus who has risen from the power of death and given us a living hope, hope of the kingdom of God. It's been quite long to update my post operation status and I do apologize about it. Since I got liver transplant by Jesus grace, there is no complications or any signs of infection except mild side effects of medication due to too many powerful anti virus & anti immune medications. But it was definitely tolerable and zero effect in my normal daily life. Meanwhile I did workout exercise at fitness center to build muscles and sustainable energy. In order to test my strength if I can maintain normal daily life, I pushed myself any kind of activity all day long. I feel some kind of fatigue at the end of the day, but it's getting much better. Sometimes, I drove several hundreds miles to see winter snow in Flagstaff Arizona or to visit our daughter's house in  Irvine California. M. Ruth & I even could enjoy a week of retreat at nice resort provided by our children for my postponed 60years birthday celebration as well as for Ruth's coming soon 60th on May. I never had had this kind of long recess in my life and it seems like having prolonged vacation after years of hard work.

Not only making my body strong through physical exercise, I also tried to build up my spiritual muscle by meditating the word of God. M. Ruth & I had prayed based on daily bread, prepared and wrote Psalm's bible study and Sunday message. And I try to read many other biblical books and biographies of men & women of faith in history. Most of all, I truly thankful to God for giving me the great suffering over last 2 years. I was very healthy and called myself an "Iron man". As I said many times, I even never had flu in my life. If I had never lost my health and become very sick, I never would have been brought to such a realization of my weakness and my desperate need of God's help and his deliverance. I could have been very proud to admit my shortcomings.

I didn't know why I got a cruel cancer when Dr. diagnosed. But I know now that God brought me to see nothing good in me and he helped me to confess my great sins. God has given me an opportunity to accept his forgiveness and to trust in him as my Savior. Through this long recovery time, I feel like having a sabbatical spiritual retreat in the arms of Jesus. I can confess what St. Paul did in 2 Corinthians 12:10, "That's why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in persecutions, in difficulties. For I am weak, then I am strong". My health became weak through this vicious blizzard of my life, but it led me to be spiritually strong when I turned to the Lord for my strength.

As M. Ruth & I think of your help, your prayer and your support out of Jesus love, we have no word to express our deep appreciation. Thanks to you & all coworkers in the world, I am almost fully recovered and my health is sound enough to go back to work. Dr. allowed me to start working on May beginning part time and gradually moving to full time depending on my condition. But I'm planning to work part time to keep health insurance until the time of retirement. You may remove me from urgent prayer topics. I think my journey of fighting cancer is over. I don't mean that I do not need your prayer support anymore. I mean you have many urgent prayer topics and they must be a priority. Of course, we continue to remember and pray for each other mutually in our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Thank you again and God bless you, family & ministry.

March 27, 2016 on Easter Sunday morning.

Your great debtors Ruth & David Kim