M. Grace A. Lee's 2016 Key Verse testimony

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength " Deuteronomy 6:5 

I thank and praise God each time I hear the reports about the Christmas worship services held around the world and the news from the 6 continental director’s conferences. Thank God for being with UBF missionaries.  Although they have been scattered throughout the world, God has preciously kept and used them as gospel witnesses in his mighty work. I pray that God may use them to bring the gospel to Muslim countries, China, North Korea and to the ends of the earth.

May God be with several sick missionaries and put His healing hands upon them. Among them are little children: Joshua Choo Jr. (Louisville), Danny (Campinas), and Timothy Kang Jr (Riga). May God answer their parents’ earnest prayers to heal and raise them as strong children of God. May God be with all of our suffering missionaries to carry out his world mission command. 

I pray for the upcoming world mission report (June 5th) and missionary conference (June 5th-7th) this year. May God anoint Dr. Abraham Kim as the main messenger. May God be with Sh. David Kim and Korean shepherds who have been laboring in various preparations. May God raise up native testimony sharers from each continent. May God accept all our prayers and devotion for the world mission report to please and give glory to Him. 

I thank God for Mother Barry who has been engaging in one to one bible study throughout the day beginning from the early morning.  Although she became sick after her trip to Peru UBF, she delivered a message on Colossians on the first Sunday of the New Year. She is a servant of the God’s Word who has served the Lord with all her heart, mind and strength throughout her life. May God grant her sufficient grace and health in this New Year. I also pray for Dr. John & Sarah Jun as they serve CME (India, Sri-lanka, Cambodia, Bangalore, Chiayi Ho Chi Min, and Singapore). May God grant them safe travel and necessary health. 

I thank God who has been preciously using Dr. Abraham & Sarah Kim for world campus mission. I thank God for their sacrificial serving in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, CIS, Asia and Latin America. May God continue to raise Pastor Ron Ward as a young Billy Graham who serves God in this generation. Thank God for continually using Chicago UBF as the world mission headquarters that prays for the whole world. May God bless one to one bible study and discipleship ministry in each campus. We pray for our second generation missionaries to learn of Jesus and grow in faith, so that they may succeed in the work of God. I thank God for many of God’s servants like Missionary Elijah Park and Joshua Min who have served the Lord faithfully behind the scenes. I thank God who has used the members in Hannah’s meeting as prayer mothers. May God answer all our prayers and make North America a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and send out many missionaries.  

 I thank God who has helped me to pray for Late Dr. Samuel Lee's biography. God has accepted the united prayers of Dr. James Suh, David Kim, Dr. Peter Chang, Dr. John Jun, Daniel Rhee, Dr. Samuel H. Lee, Joshua Lee, and Dr. Paul Koh who have started the writing process as committee members. I realize that God is the One who initiated this project. He has raised up not only committee members, but also prayer servants who are joyfully supporting this project. We just began the groundwork. I pray that God may bless the process and help us complete the publication of the biography for God’s glory. 

 I thank God for using Dr. Paul Koh’s family (Loyola), Dr. Sam Lee’s family (U of I), and Dr. Charles Kim’s family (UIC) for campus mission as one to one Bible teachers. They attended and supported the continental director’s conferences as prayer servants: Paul & Grace Koh at the Africa Conference, Dr. Sam Lee at the Europe Conference and Charles Kim at the Asia Conference. I earnestly pray that their children may inherit their grandfather’s spiritual heritage and blessing as third generation missionaries. I pray for Abraham Kim in Venezuela and Mary Koh in Korea to grow in faith and be pleasing to God. Charlie Kim has been studying the Bible with Sh. Birgit Pierce. I pray he may glorify God through music and grow as a disciple of Jesus while studying at Columbia College. Sam has been receiving internship training in Chicago UBF and has grown as a disciple of Jesus through Bible study with Dr. Mark Yang. May God bless him to be admitted into medical school. Dr. John & Sarah Dang have been serving Milwaukee Campus ministry by God’s grace. Dr. John Dang will receive residency training in Kansas City for one year beginning in May. May God be with and use them as one to one Bible teachers for campus mission wherever they go. My great-granddaughter Mary Dang is 8 months old and is growing well. 

God has blessed the common life ministry in our house. Chris Thompson had stayed for 13 months from 2014. Thank God for changing him from a Gerasene demoniac to an independent man. May God grow him as a campus shepherd. The second generation missionaries, Sarah & Pauline Lee had common life during their internship training in Chicago. Now, they are serving discipleship ministry faithfully in Toronto. In 2016, Stephanie Polvi (UIC) began staying with us. I pray for her to grow as a woman of faith who can establish a house church. Little Sarah Kim has been coworking with Pastor Ron Ward and serving SSN(Start Something New) ministry in the Northside. May God be with Lina Jung (Loyola) and Michael Young (NEIU) as their spiritual Father and raise them up as campus shepherds. 

Last year, I had to cancel a mission trip to Guadalajara and Bonn Center.  I had to make two ER visits due to syncope. Last December, Dr. Paul Koh had a car accident while I was with him. Even though it was such a shocking event, God has been with me, protected me and given me sufficient grace. 

In this New Year 2016, I accept Deuteronomy 6:5 as my New Year’s key verse. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” My prayer topics include: Morning Prayer, visiting ministry, world mission letter writing and reading the Bible once in this year. Dr. Abraham Kim gave me a new computer as a Christmas gift. May I be a wise steward of my health asking for God’s help moment by moment. May God accept my service to the Lord as five loaves and two fish. May God fill me with the love of Jesus Christ. May I be content with the sufficient grace of Jesus to maintain and share God’s blessing every day. May I live like prophetess Anna who prays before the Lord throughout my life. I pray in Jesus’ name.

One Word: Love the Lord your God with all your heart!