Mexico Night

Report on Mexico Night

Date: March 4, 2016

Place: Chicago UBF, main sanctuary

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28: 19-20

The Chicago UBF hosted Mexico Night on Friday evening, March 4, 2016. All the members in the vicinity of Chicago participated. Some guests came from far distance. Especially Elias Park, Latin America coordinator, came from Brazil to join the event. It was the night to remember the work of God in Mexico through the sacrifice and faith of our brothers and sisters in Mexico. On this night we not only witnessed the work of God in Mexico, but also were encouraged.

Abraham Kim welcomed everyone. He gave thanks to all who supported the event. Stephanie Polvi gave the overview of Mexico with a focus on the spiritual condition of the nation. Raul Munoz gave a lecture on the UBF history of Mexico. After that he shared his life testimony and prayed to inherit the ministry from Abraham Hwang. Erick and twenty others sang a song, “Perfume at Your Feet.” They sang in Spanish in honor of the main speakers. It was better than what was on YouTube. Many were moved to tears. Diana Rivas presented the UBF history of Guadalajara. She asked prayer support for Timothy Rhee who undergoes trial. Carolina Blas presented the UBF history of Acatlan. Her father was instrumental in helping many Korean missionaries to settle in Mexico at the outset of the ministry. She is prepared to take over his ministry. His husband and sister came all the way from Acatlan, Mexico and joined the event to encourage her presentation. Josue Bae shared his life testimony with the title: My Five Loaves and Two Fish. He inspired many to live by faith. Barnabas Choi presented the policy and strategy of mission. He spoke in Spanish and his daughter Hannah Choi translated it into English. Ron Ward shared prayer topics according to those presented by Barnabas Choi. He encouraged the Chicago chapter brothers and sisters to pray for 500 Sunday service attendants and 1000 1:1 Bible studies. Faith Grady and her partners fed all participants with delicious Mexican snacks.

All the lectures will be published in the newsletters and their videos will be posted on the web site. 

Charles Kim