David Choo Update, Louisville UBF, USA

Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to

seek and to save the lost.      Luke 19:9-10

Last week we studied about Jesus who brought salvation upon Zacchaeus and we learned about Zacchaeus  faith in climbing the tree to see Jesus. We learned about his repentance and Jesus's love in making and changing him from selfish tax collector into a son of Abraham! We thank God who feeds us with His word every Sunday and everyday. We pray to climb the tree by going deeper in prayer and reading His word everyday!

David has finished very tough induction and consolidation cycle very well. God brought us to fire like hardship to refine us. David is in good mood these days and is gradually picking up his normal health condition. We need to watch out for next two months for him to get back to normal lifestyle!

We deeply thank God who has taken us to the solitude with Him so we can invite Him over to our life and see Him struggling  with us! We thank God for precious cross of Jesus Christ which was extremely painful but brought precious and priceless salvation to us all along with resurrection.  We pray to hide David under his mighty wings during this time of treatment. We pray for David to love God deeply throughout his lifetime and prepare himself to serve God!

We pray for Missionary Timothy Park's family and we pray quietly in thankfulness by his struggle with ALL.  We pray earnestly to God for true comfort for his family as well

Thank you for your prayer and love,

Grace Choo