HBF Commissioning Testimony by Yvonne Lee

His Grace is Sufficient for Me

2 Cor. 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

My life as a mother of prayer for UIC

In January of 2000, I officially joined UIC ministry. I had been married 1 year, had a newborn, recently moved to UIC, and turned down an attractive job offer downtown to become a UBF staff shepherdess trained under Dr. Samuel Lee.  I devoted myself to the ministry, serving many students, even to have common life in my house. But after one year, I was discouraged. Dr. Lee gave me direction to write a 30-page testimony on the entire book of John’s gospel focusing on John 1:14, to learn the incarnation of Jesus -- his humility and grace. I had to rewrite it 3 times before I passed the training, meaning I accepted it into my heart. John 1:14, the word became flesh, set the tone for me to do God’s work at UIC. As 26 years passed by, I lived and breathed for the sake of UIC ministry. I bought my house by UIC, raised my sons here, and worked here.  I even forgot I graduated from NU. I can only boast of God’s marvelous grace to participate in campus mission and world mission at UIC.

In 2002, while undergoing a divorce, I held on to 2 Corinthians 12:9a:  “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” By Jesus’ grace and the prayers of God’s people everywhere, though I was a single mom with 5 sons ages 2-12, I could remain in God’s work, bought my own house, became a teacher, and supported Theophilus Fellowship as a prayer servant and Bible teacher. God raised my five sons in faith, preserved me in UBF, and restored my life, including to remarry to Sh. Wonly and blessing me with two precious daughters.  Praise Jesus whose grace is sufficient for me!

God’s leading to join HBF

In November, Pastor Abraham Kim recommended that I join HBF. I never dreamed to leave UIC. I prayed quietly to find out God’s will personally. I realized that I was a good fit for HBF. I had served CBF for 25 years, I served second gens at UIC for many years, I have worked as a teacher for 15 years, and I have raised several teenagers. Also, my teenage children Patrick and Sohyun need my support to participate in HBF. Then in December, Pastor Ron Ward discussed this direction with me, and we both felt God’s leading. Around New Year’s, the HBF coordinator, Sam Toh,  and I prayed together and we both felt God’s leading. For the last two weeks, I visited HBF and found God was leading me there. Currently, HBF is losing many of their leaders. Also, HBF is very ethnically diverse.  And, HBF leaders welcomed me warmly. Lastly, my 2016 key verse is Isa 54:2, enlarge the place of your tent. I prayed to enlarge my heart to be a good mother for my 2 daughters when they come from Korea, but God wants me to serve all our coworkers’ teenage children. Please pray for me to be a good Bible teacher and prayer servant for HBF and influence teenagers to accept Christ as Lord and Savior in their hearts and live for his mission by Jesus’ grace.

One Word: His grace is sufficient for me!