Canadian Staff Conferenc

The 2016 Canadian Staff Conference was held from January 22-23 in Kingston, Ontario. A total 29 leaders attended this conference including three special guests (Pastor Abraham Kim, Sarah Kim from USA and Shepherd Changwon Kim from Korea) and three student leaders from second gens (Luke Hong Jr. Sarah Cha, and Mary Cha) participated in Friday night program. Pastor Abraham Kim delivered a New Year message based on Hebrews 12 that encouraged us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith. Through his message, we newly decided to run our race with perseverance until we enter the glorious kingdom of our LORD Jesus.  

After message, five chapter directors shared 2015 chapter reports: Andrew Christopher (Montreal), Andy Stumpf (Waterloo), James Oh (Guelph), Samuel Yoon (Ottawa), and Joshua Lee (Toronto). The highlight of Friday night program was our discussion with three second-generation student leaders. They first presented a plan for Young Disciples’ Conference and received feedback from leaders. They also presented what they found as the strengths of our ministry together with weaknesses and possible solutions. After their presentation, we had engaging and meaningful discussions on the various topics include diversity, confidentiality, leadership transition, marriage, roles in church community and, etc. We appreciated young student leaders’ suggestions out of their love and respect, and encouraged them to share the key takeaways with other student leaders and 2nd gens in each ministry. We prayed that many young student leaders may continue to grow as future leaders.

On Saturday morning Shepherd Changwon Kim gave us a special lecture on "Trinitarian Pneumatology for the Formation of Holy Community." After his two-hour lecture, we had one hour of question and answer session to clarify some of practical issues like how we discern the work of the Holy Spirit, how we can live joyful Spirit-filled Christian life, build a healthy community, and prepare Sunday messages, and etc. We thank God who equipped us with this lecture to understand who the Holy Spirit is and what He does to build his holy community.

After lunch, we had a financial report prepared by Abraham Shin as a treasurer and various committee reports by Joshua Lee (Bible study), Andrew Christopher (staff education), David Jumeau (youth ministry), Charles Kim (social committee), Luke Hong (Canada Coordinator Election), and Henry Kim (coordinator report, summer conference and Syzygus committee). After these reports, we planned and prayed for God’s work in 2016 that include world mission report and missionary conference in Korea, staff education and Labour Day Conference.

As a closing remark, Dr. Henry Kim shared 2016 annual key verse and prayer topics for Canada UBF based on Zechariah4:10 “Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?” These days many people try to do great things but do not want to do small things. However, God is looking for someone who is challenging small things to honor God. We pray that 1) Christ may be exalted in each Canadian chapter, 2) 500 one to ones and each member may challenge small things based on Zechariah 4:10.