2016 Mid-Atlantic Region Staff Conference held in Shippensburg, PA

The 2016 Mid-Atlantic Region Staff Conference (Jan. 14-16) was held in Shippensburg, PA, with the theme, “Let Us Fix Our Eyes on Jesus!” A total of 33 leaders attended the conference, some traveling all the way from Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina. We began the conference with a group Bible study on Hebrews 12. Pastor Abraham Kim delivered a powerful main message on the scripture, encouraging us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith. He reminded us that God has set eternity in our hearts and we should run our race with perseverance until we enter the glory of our Lord Jesus, the eternal king.

We also had a symposium on discipleship at the conference. Dr. Ezra Cho presented a lecture entitled, “Jesus’ Discipleship in Mark’s Gospel—Definition, Training, and Goal of Discipleship,” which was followed by two speakers who shared their own experiences in discipleship: “Learning Through the Highs and Lows: Stories about the Joys and Challenges of Disciple Making” by Stephanie Ziebarth (from the Joy El ministries in Greencastle, PA), and “My Story: Personal Care, Trust, Influence, and Team Work” by Pastor Jacob Lee. Afterwards, the three presenters led a lively panel discussion with many questions and answers. 

The following Mid-Atlantic chapter leaders shared their ministry reports followed by our united prayer on Friday night:

  • Atlanta (Esther Yun)
  • Auburn (Eunice Oh)
  • Baltimore (Paul Sambuco)
  • Charlottesville (Chris Kelly)
  • Cornerstone (Luke Lim)
  • George Mason (David Chung)
  • Lehigh (Wesley Jun)
  • Raleigh (Andrew Dellinger)
  • Philadelphia (Moses Noh)
  • Shippensburg (Daniel Y. Lee)
  • Washington (Jacob Lee)]

The closing message, “Have the Same Mindset as Christ Jesus,” was delivered by Dr. Daniel Y. Lee. Pastor Abraham Kim presented a lecture on lay missionary movements in church history, reminding us how our UBF mission shares the spirit of the Nestorian and the Moravian missions. He also gave us ministry updates and directions. Our conference ended with a tour of the historic Gettysburg battlefields.