Milwaukee UBF Prayer Topics

Dear Precious Servant of God,

"Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”(Lk 2:10,11)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Praise God who sent his one and only Son Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  Praise Jesus the Messiah who opened the way for us to live a life of victory over sin, death and Satan.  May Jesus the Messiah empower us to live a life of victory over our spiritual enemies and enable us to worship God and serve his people as a royal priesthood and a holy nation before him all our days.

Praise God who has done marvelous things in our midst.  Our God has enabled our coworkers in Milwaukee to grow deeper in our relationship with God and with one another, in the character of Jesus Christ our Lord for building the body of Christ among us, and in our shepherd life for discipleship ministry.  Thank God for each and every coworker in our ministry.

God blessed Peter and Esther Kim’s family with a new life Faith and enabled their family to move to Milwaukee from Iowa.  May God help Peter Kim to pass the board exam.  God established Vinh & Frankie Nguyen’s family as a shepherd family based on Psalm 1:2,3. God helped Paul & Ruthie Dang to serve the work of God at the Hyde Park UBF. God blessed John & Sarah Dang’s family with a new life Mary who is growing well in his grace.  God enabled Joseph Dang to complete Ranger School Training successfully. May the will of God be accomplished in his marriage. God opened a way for Sam Lee to start college life at Northwestern and Lina Jeong at Loyola in Chicago. God helped Abraham Lee and Vinh Nguyen to pass their board exams.  God helped Alex Cole and Deric Shonuga, who are growing as disciples, to graduate from UWM.  Praise God for several new students who are growing in the word of God.  Praise God for everything he has done in and through us.   

Vinh & Frankie Nguyen’s family will move to Akron, Ohio, in May 2016 and join the Akron UBF ministry.  John & Sarah Dang’s family will move to Kansas City, Missouri, in June 2016 and join the Kansas City UBF ministry.  May the Lord God use them as a blessing and disciple-makers.

May the Lord continue to bless us with his word and Spirit and empower us to love God and love one another, grow in the image of Christ, and serve sheep and raise disciples.  

Thank you so much for your prayer, encouragement and labor of love for us.  

May the Lord continue to bless you and use you greatly in the coming new year.

With many thanks,

Paul & Naomi Dang