Chicago HBF Winter Retreat

Thank God for blessing our HBF winter retreat. Twenty students, including 3 from Milwaukee, together with 7 leaders gathered together at Dixon Valley Camp for a 2 day retreat on January 1st and 2nd. All 20 students wrote and shared their New Year's reflections all together. Their reflections were honest and heart felt as they each struggled to cling to God's word by selecting a key verse for the new year. HBF leaders also gathered together and shared reflections as well.

At the retreat we studied John 12:20-26 as a prayer to take John 12:24 as our key verse for 2016."Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." Francis Choi delivered the message, casting vision for the year ahead. It is our prayer to see Jesus, our true kernel of wheat this year, to die to ourselves, and have a fruitful year learning Jesus' pathway to glory.

Our prayer topics for the new year are:

  1. Follow Jesus' example to become kernel of wheat
  2. Grow in a servants heart as we prepare to send our missions team to Uganda
  3. Francis to prepare for short term mission life in Uganda with his wife , and be self supporting