Midwest region staff conference

There was a Midwest region staff conference at Camp Wonderland, Wisconsin from December 28-30. Twenty-three staff members and three elders attended from various chapters, including Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, U. Illinois, St. Louis, DuPage, Linclon Park, Springfield, Hyde Park, IIT, and Tampa, The theme of this conference was "The Message of the Cross." We studied 1 Corinthians chapters 1-3 in three lessons in small groups. Each group Bible study lasted about 2 1/2 hours. P. Mark Vucekovich delivered the main message, titled, "The Power of the Cross of Jesus.” The message moved attendants' hearts. Afterward, each attendant struggled sincerely to write a deep reflection and to share it in small groups. Many testified that they were strengthened with the power of the cross and could clarify their spiritual direction for the new year. Many were moved by St. Paul, who resolved to proclaim the message of the cross. Though the world, in its blindness, sees Jesus' cross as foolishness, the message of the cross is the power of God for the salvation for all who believe. It is the only way to God and to new life for the people of our times. The message of the cross is what young college students on every campus need most. After deep struggle with the word of God, staff members listened to Dr. David Weed's presentation on how the Christian church can embrace the LGBTQ community with the love of Christ and there was time for discussion. Chapter leaders shared prayer topics and the meeting ended with the prayer.