M. Sarah Chang’s Life Testimony(Belize UBF)

The work of God is to believe in Jesus whom he has sent:

Key verse  John 6:29 "Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this to believe in the one he has sent.'”

  Hello, My name is Sarah Chang from Belize. In October 1971 I received one word Genesis 1:31 through Genesis Bible Academy at Dong Dae Mun UBF in Korea. God created me and he said, “I am very good.” I responded to this good news with a small decision to study the Bible to the end. I was waiting and waiting but UBF Bible study never ended.

  God called me through Genesis 12:1 and I obeyed. I was married to Missionary Moses Chang in 1973 and became a missionary to the USA, though I couldn’t match God and Jesus. One thing I knew was that God’s mission is most precious in my life. I was a self-ambitious and miserable sinner. Missionary Moses and I fought a lot. In those hard times, our two sons Moses jr. and John were born in Pittsburg. Our Pittsburg mission ended like a failure. Missionary Moses went to Washington UBF in 1988 and I followed him in 1989.

  Missionary Jacob and Esther Lee and Washington UBF coworkers embraced us. Each of us was here for 20 years. I confess that I did not co-work earnestly in heart and mind, but I had fear that I might hinder your beautiful co-working; I was blessed to see your beautiful co-working.

  At that time, Washington UBF had already sent out Wynelle Nett to Germany as a missionary. I am also an eye witness that God blessed Washington UBF to send out missionaries, such as Steven and Allison Haga to Taiwan, Philip and Sarah Brown to China, Abraham Lee to YUST, Tommy Phan to Indonesia, and many short term missionaries. Missionary Moses Chang was sent out as a silver missionary in 2008.

  Washington UBF is very special to me. Because I was here prepared to be 1:1 Bible teacher, and I was born again in 2009. I had a problem with my child. As you know our first son married his 1:1 Bible teacher who is much older than him with 2 children. God used this event to give me a new birth by his mercy and grace.

  God enabled me to entrust everything into his hands and obey his calling for Belize campus mission. Missionary Moses and I were like orphan missionaries without mother chapters, for we both lost our mother chapters in 1976. What a wonderful blessing to have mother chapter!  Washington UBF became our mother chapter for our silver mission. I used to be comforted and encouraged by remembering first century Christians who were martyred namelessly. But now I am comforted and encouraged by remembering you all.

  When Missionary Moses retired early at age 62 and left for Belize in 2008, I received one word of God. It was: “Do not say either good or bad.” God gave me a new birth and sent me to Belize in September 2009. We had the 2nd Belize UBF summer Bible conference this year. After this conference, one growing shepherd left us last month to help his youth group in his old church. 

  Throughout summer, he lived with us most of time. Sometimes we were burdened, but we loved him. I was shaken when he had left us. This helped me to examine my mission life in Belize. Yes. I tried to work hard remembering God’s mercy and grace, overcoming the heat. God has done great things for us and through us.

  Missionary Moses and I became coworkers and prayer partners in Christ our Lord Jesus. Our rented house became a house church. We are blessed to learn Jesus’ shepherd life. I made one decision to stay for this mission as long as God gives us health. I don’t know how long. It is up to God. I know it is another time to make a decision. Because I had the fear that whether I revealed myself more than Jesus by trying to work hard.

We had much rain last month. Some of houses in Belize City were flooded. We had some leaking problem and kitchen ceiling fell. Then we had ongoing problems with mice and rat. I thought our problem with them is like football game. Then I began to think it is like spiritual battle. Missionary Moses tried to kill one with his feet and was bitten by it, so he had to take antibiotics.

  I accepted John 6:29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this to believe in the one he has sent.” The work of God is not my doing. It is God. I made a decision to entrust Belize UBF mission into God’s hands. The work of God is to believe in Jesus whom God sent. We just finished Acts and began 1 Corinthians. Then I understood what it means to believe in Jesus and to be his witness. The gospel has been hidden from me a long time. But by the grace of God I have come to understand what Jesus did on the Cross, the gospel. And I must be his witness for what he did on the cross. It took 40 years for me to come to understand God and Jesus. Thanks and praise to God who called us is faithful.

   Now I want to share our prayer topics:

1. 1 Corinthians Bible study- Missionary Moses Chang and Dillon Leal’s message.

2. Bible teachers and shepherds and mothers of prayer to be raised up   through 1:1 Bible study; we have Fellowship leaders’ Bible study on   Tuesday. Fellowship meeting on Friday and Saturday; Fellowship leaders are: Dillon Leal, Melanie Lammey and Darren Leal.

3. God may establish House churches.

4. God may grant us the Bible center.