Columbus UBF 2015 Christmas Celebration

Columbus UBF held its 2015 Christmas worship service at the Ohio State University student union on December 6, 2015. The title of the message was “Good News of Great Joy,” based on Luke 2:10. JOY means Jesus first, others second and yourself last. We can have true joy when Jesus is born in our manger-like hearts as our Lord and Savior. 

It was right before the final exams at OSU, yet our students prepared joyful skit and music programs.   We prayed for 40 worshipers. God answered our prayers and sent 40 attendants. Thank God for our precious coworkers who traveled a long distance from Toledo, Akron, Novi and Erie to support our Christmas worship service and share fellowship together with us. We had a joyful Christmas lunch at the center altogether. 

Christmas offerings were collected and sent to the HQ to help Syrian refugees. We pray to raise 12 disciples of Jesus, establish 12 house churches and serve the work of God in Columbus, Great Lakes Region, Europe and the world. 

Merry Christmas! 

Henry Park