Dr. Mark Yang's CME & Shepherd Education in Montreal UBF

Titus 2:14 “…who gave himself for us to redeem us from all the wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”

We thank and praise God for M. Mark Yang’s visit to Canadian ministry and to our Montreal chapter. We are thankful for the fellowship and the Titus Bible study for our members, both shepherds and missionaries. The book of Titus is a pastoral letter filled with commandments, mainly about good works, meaning the doing part of life. Nevertheless, M. Mark encouraged us to find the treasure of the gospel hidden within the book of Titus. The meaning of the all the commands about doing reminded us how easy it is to slough into an unholy, careless lack of spiritual concern about what outsiders think of us. For many people the disconnectedness between believing, loving and doing falls sadly short of God’s glory. We also live in social milieus, societies with much terrible behavior. However through Paul teaching we learned that we should care deeply about the interconnectedness of our faith in thinking, loving and doing. We care about this so that others may be saved. Our goal is to experience God’s life and godliness (2:12) and for this Jesus gave us a tangible blessed hope (2:13) and Jesus’ promise of daily washing and renewal (3:5) through his grace for the promise of eternal life. May God grow us, our families and community in gospel-centered faith. 

Andrew Christopher, Coordinator Montreal ubf