Dr. Mark Yang’s CME in Ottawa, Canada

Titus 2: 14 "who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good."

May the grace of God be with you. Thank God who gave us a great opportunity to meditate on the word of God based on the book of Titus through Dr. Mark Yang's visit to Ottawa area ministries on Thursday, Nov. 19. The title of Titus Bible study "HOW CAN THE GOSPEL BE APPLIED IN OUR LIVES?" led by Dr. Mark Yang motivated us to think of our practical lives and mission, and it helped us to have a clear life goal "what to do" and "how to do" and "the reason why " in this corrupted generation.

The next two presentations led by Dr. Mark Yang based on two books, "The Gospel-Centered Life" and "The Gospel-Centered Community" and  by Robert H. Thune, Will Walker, impressed us very much in the view of practical applications of the gospel.

"The Gospel-Centered Life" -  Many people see the gospel as the “door”, the way in, the entrance point into God’s kingdom. But the gospel is so much more! It is not just the door, but the path we are to walk every day of the Christian life. It is not just the means of our salvation (justification), but the means of our transformation (sanctification and glorification)

"The Gospel-Centered Community" - God created us for community. Every one of us is a saint in isolation. It’s in community that our real weakness, flaws, and sins are exposed. Community is part of God’s means to form us, shape us, and sanctify us as his children. A gospel-centered community is a community that is moving toward others as God has moved toward them.

In conclusion, I believe that they are a kind of practical manuals of how we can do good things as God's people practically. It shows one area to be improved in our community. It leads us to have a critical mind (문제의식) how to make the gospel centered life and community in our personal life and community, and become like Jesus in this world. Thank God who spoke to us through the presentation and Bible study. Thank God for sending Dr. Mark and Annah Yang. Thank God for coworkers from Ottawa area chapters (Algonquin, Rideau, Ottawa)

In Christ,

Dr. Samuel D. Lee