CME Ministry of Dr. Mark Yang to Canada

On November 13, Dr. Mark Yang and M. Anna Yang visited Hamilton UBF in Canada. On Saturday, November 14, they held a thematic study of Titus, as well as presentation of two books,  Gospel-Centered Life and Gospel-Centered Community. London UBF and Guelph UBF co-workers joined in this study and workshop and had meaningful fellowship in the word of God. Through the study of Titus, the attendants learned that the gospel is the foundation and source of Christian life. When we believe in the gospel with absolute faith, then we experience the transforming power of God working in us so that we can do what is good in our practical lives. This study renewed our faith in the power of the gospel (Ro 1:16). We deeply realized that the transformed life of a Christian is essential in evangelism. Through the book presentation on Gospel-Centered Life, we learned newly that the gospel is not just “the door to the kingdom of God, but the path we are to walk every day of our Christian life.” The gospel is simple, but profound. As Christians, we need to have simple faith in the gospel, and at the same time, we need to take deeper root in the gospel and grow in a deeper understanding of the gospel and its implications. Then, we can live a Christ-centered life that pleases God and enables us to be a blessing to others. Through the second book presentation, based on Gospel-Centred Community, we were inspired and challenged by the necessity and importance of gospel-centered community. We had a lively discussion and Q&A session. On Sunday, we had a united worship service with Ryerson UBF and Guelph UBF in Hamilton. Dr. Mary Yang delivered the Sunday Message based on Hebrews 1:1-3, entitled, “God has Spoken to us through Jesus.” He declared that Jesus is living and the word of God has a life-giving and life-transforming power even in this postmodern time. Thank God for renewing our faith in the gospel through this CME visit to Hamilton, Canada.