GTA UBF coworkers had a special Bible Study with Dr. Mark and Anna Yang.

“He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” (Titus 1:9)           

On November 15, Sunday evening, GTA coworkers around 35 people had a special meeting with Dr. Mark and Anna Yang. We studied Titus 1-3 with the title “How can the gospel be applied in our lives?” In this study we could find in the book of Titus the gospel message--justification of forgiveness and salvation, sanctification that leads to doing good and glorification of the hope of eternal life. We learned anew that only the gospel can change people regardless of any ungodly social milieu. We also learned that we should hold firmly to the gospel message, opposing any human-centred ideas that deform the pure gospel message. After leading the Group Bible Study, Dr. Mark Yang gave a lecture on the gospel-centered life and the gospel-centered community which taught the practical application of the gospel to God’s ministry as well as to our personal lives. This was a very effective meeting to our leaders living in a society where the gospel is compromised and diluted more and more. It is also our prayer that we may grow in gospel-entered life and the gospel-centered community be established in each chapter in Toronto.  

In Christ,

M. Joshua Lee