M. David Kim's Thanksgiving Letter, Tempe, Arizona

Greetings in Jesus grace & love.

As you know my liver transplant surgery underwent successfully and I got a new liver and new life. Even if it took long time about 6 hours, my recovery was so fast and I was able to be discharged from hospital after post operation 4th day. Dr.s & nurses said, I am the only one they have ever seen this kind of speedy recovery after one of major organ transplant surgery. All blood tests, vital signs, imaging results, mobility of my body are fine. In addition, there is no pain, no nausea, the incision is healing well, and I don’t have much appetite but it’s ok. They have to keep me in hospital at least 6 days for an Intravenous medication experiment, but Dr. Said, it was OK to go home and come to the infusion center 2 more days for the rest of 2 doses (total 6 doses needed) because so far so good. Now all I need is to comply Dr.s & Transplant team members (nurses, dietician, social workers, pharmacists, etc) order very strictly for medications, labs, diets, exercise in order to keep my new liver adjusting to my body well as well as preventing any kind of infection or complication. I have received a very special gift from someone but ultimately it is a best gift of life from God. So I know the best way to thank God is to take care of priceless gift of life from my Lord, Jesus Christ.

This time I would like to share the wonder of God’s plan for me. Last week Thursday (10-29-15) I got up at 7:30 am and about sitting on couch waiting for a cup of coffee from Ruth. It was exactly same time phone ringing from Banner University Medical Center Liver Transplant coordinator called me and asked, “Did you eat or drink something this morning?” I said, “Nothing”.  She asked, “Do you want to come in for back up waiting to receive from a certain donor because primary recipient is out of town and probably give in due to a distance?” I said “Yes”. Then transplant coordinator called me back 10 minutes later and said, you will be admitted and get a liver. She spoke with Dr. and they decided to choose me because everything is perfect as a recipient and operating candidate because nothing by mouth since midnight. We did hurry to come to the hospital and the preparation was done quickly and pushed into operating room while Ruth was calling out to first Dr. Mark & M. Anna Yang in Chicago who called all over the world for emergency prayer support for me. After around 6 hours surgery Dr. said, “this liver is very fitting to you and you got a good liver and you are doing great”.

The point is here. That morning I woke up at 7:30 am. This is not my routine and never happened in my life. I got up every morning at 6 am. If I don't, Ruth woke me up to have a breakfast together. I usually go to work by 7 am so I have to. But even off day, it's been same time up and have a cup of coffee & spiritual, physical breakfast. God, however, left me in bed until 7:30 am & had Ruth not to bother me and at the same time Trans plant coordinator called me into hospital. God prepared this organ for me and He intervened and caused me to sleep till 7:30 am not to eat or drink for the surgery. If I woke up at 6 am, and ate breakfast, I may not get this new organ. Moreover I ate a lot on Wednesday night. It was very unusual that I asked Ruth to cook baked potato, boiled eggs as night snack after full dinner. She was not annoyed for my request and willing to do anything that night. I pretended I’m a strong man in front of coworker’s, friends, or families, but I sometimes become a baby before Ruth.  Anyways, I mean I’m ready for the surgery by eating a lot before next day starving and it was God’s wonder design and plan of my life.

According to my MELD (Modified End stage l Liver Disease) per UNOS (United Network of Organ sharing) is now 31. The maximum number of points is 34 and I was expecting 33 at December of this year and reach to 34 at March next year. My Dr. predicted probably I will get an organ 1st or 2nd quarter of next year if I am lucky due to lots of people with 34 point on waiting list. God, however, pushed me into the surgery and gave me a special gift of new life. Ruth & I still are wondering if this is dreaming or real. My MELD point is not enough at all and never could be my turn to get this new organ. We are still wondering and don’t know the answer. And I asked God, “How and why did you do this for me? I’m not deserved and worthy to receive your love like this”. And my tear broke out and sobbed and said to myself, “I’m not, never”.
I know it’s not a merit for what I have done but only by God’s mercy and his answer for all of your earnest and intercessory prayer. I truly experienced how powerful the power of prayer from coworkers is! Nothing but your prayer counted and moved our Lord’s heart. When I was diagnosed with liver cancer April 2014 and it is not surgical and not candidate for transplant candidate due to tumor was too big to do anything, the only thing I could do was asking prayer from coworkers. Now I realized that it worked perfectly.
Sudden trial or suffering is not fun. Life is hard because of all kind of pains we have to endure. But God is good. Since last year, my struggle was not about life & death or even cancer. It was about knowing God and his presence in my life. When unpredictable storm took my life in a direction I didn’t choose and I couldn’t control, it was a time to bring my emotions into a state of submission and subjection to God’s authority. I had no choice but obey God’s plan for my life. I was not happy. I was not enjoying physical pain. But I never forget the first time I said “Thank you” for the cancer. Because “we know that in all things God works for the good”. During the trial, my mission was to wait patiently and hope in him and endure hardship with my eyes fixed upon him and hope to the end. I knew he is working and his promises will be fulfilled and I will get victory either way of life or death.

My prayer topic is: 1) not getting any kind of infection or complication 2) my new liver to adjust in my body well. It’s another big challenge but we know God will take care of it. Ruth & I have no words how to appreciate your love, encouragement, prayer & support. We love you & God bless you, family & ministry!!!!

Indebted yours,

Ruth & David Kim.