Leibins & Diana Rivas' Beautiful Wedding

On Saturday, October 3, 2015 we could witness God's mysterious and beautiful work of making two people, Diana Guzman and Leibins Rivas, one. They come from different continents, Diana from Chicago and Leibins from Caracas, Venezuela, but God brought them together through their common love for Christ and their heart to expand God's kingdom through the raising of His disciples in Chicago, North America, and Latin America as God leads.

Pastor Gustavo and Katuiska Prato from Venezuela UBF, Missionary Juan and Ana Seo from California, along with Diana's loving family and our Chicago church family, witnessed their beautiful union. Pastor Ron Ward officiated over the ceremony and centered his address around the couple's marriage key verse, Psalm 67:1,2.

Please pray for Leibins and Diana for God to bless them and be gracious to them that they may make his ways known on earth and his salvation among nations.