Tampa UBF had their Pioneering Sunday Worship Service

On Sep.27, 2015, Tampa UBF had their first campus Sunday worship service at the University of South Florida. For several months, M.David & Praise Cho had their worship service in their apartment and held John's  gospel Bible studies on USF campus. With the help of USF students, they registered Tampa UBF as a campus organization, and they received access to campus rooms to hold Bible studies and worship service on campus. God sent Diego, a grad student from Venezuela, who is a faithful Bible student. Also, Ann attended the worship service via Skype from Georgia.

P.Kevin Albright, who was visiting from Chicago, gave the message from John 11:25, Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Pray for Diego and Ann and other USF students who are coming to campus GBS to grow as Jesus' disciples.

God bless!

David Cho