The first prayer meeting for teachers, Chicago UBF

Chicago UBF peer group prayer meeting among teachers (Chicago UBF has around 27 teachers)

The first prayer meeting for teachers of Chicago UBF was held on Saturday 8/29 from 2:00-4:30 pm in the Leningrad House with 12 teachers. We studied the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) and prayed to be a neighbor to the children in our schools.  We pray for God’s help to have the compassion of Christ and to “go and do likewise.” The Bible Study was led by Sh. Dennis Miller. Yvonne Lee gave a moving message on the passage and spoke of the sacrificial love needed to help students. Dayani Pieri and Jose Ahn also gave short presentations which guided us to view our students as the sheep God has given us to love and care for. 

We prayed for each other and for the students we will be serving in the fall.  The attendees were very encouraged and are praying for a second prayer meeting in October.

"The Good Samaritan" message (by Yvonne Lee) is attached.