New York UBF SBC

New York UBF had their Summer Bible Conference at New Jersey United Christian Academy last weekend (Aug.14-16).

The conference title was "Come To Me!" (Mt. 11:29-31). Four main messages were: 1) "What do you want?" (Jn. 1:35-51) by Pablo Alvarez, 2) "Son, Your Sins are Forgiven" (Mk 2:1-12) by Mark T. Lee, 3) "Unless I Wash You" (Jn. 13:1-13), and 4) "For God So Loved the World" (Jn. 3:1-21) by Abraham Jung. Six people shared their life testimonies: Josephine Ban, Timothy Safos, Hannah Cho, Twaambo Moyo, Young Kim and Young Moses Kang. On Saturday night, after hearing the mission report from Central Asia, we prayed for the North Latin American Regional Summer Conference, Central Asia and New York campuses. The group Bible studies were on Mk 2:1-12 and Jn. 3:1-21 and were led by young leaders. They were very inspiring. Almost everyone wrote and shared their testimonies in small groups. We also had communion at our Sunday worship service in obedience to Jesus' command "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me...This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." (1 Co. 11:23-25) We had so much fun during the conference. May the Lord continue to build a healthy community of love and enable us to serve dying souls in the world, especially young teenagers and college students.