A new missionary family was established and sent to Edmonton, Canada.

On July 18, 2015, God established a blessed missionary family between M. Matthew Sohn & Deborah Chang with the blessings of many co-workers as a missionary family to Edmonton Canada at Korea University Alumni Hall. Afterward, the new missionary family was sent to Edmonton in Canada on July 30 from Anam UBF, Korea. Moses Kim (Anam UBF) officiated the wedding ceremony with the word "Love one another" based on John 13. M. Matthew was sent to University of Alberta (Business master course) at Edmonton as a student missionary since he had graduated from Korea University. The bride, M. Deborah (the second daughter of M. Noah & Grace Chang, Edmonton UBF), has also been studying at University of Alberta (Violin, Master course) and is a faithful Bible teacher currently feeding three sheep.  

There M. David Chang (the first son of M. Noah & Grace Chang) who graduated from University of Toledo, USA and his wife Esther Chang's family have been faithfully co-working together with his parents feeding many sheep in the ministry of Edmonton.

May God bless this new family of God to be a great blessing to the Edmonton UBF and to the University of Alberta campus pioneering work.  

John Bach Lee