CME Report from NJ UBF

1:1 Fishing and Campus Mission 

I thank God for sending Missionary David Kim from Indianapolis to New Jersey for CME ministry and for restoring our spirituality of the cross and mission among us. By God’s grace, NJ UBF had CME ministry from July 21 (Tuesday) to July 23 (Friday) twice everyday at 5:00am to 6:30 am for men missionaries and 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm for women and 2nd generation missionaries. Missionary Moses Kim, Josephine Kim (2nd gen) and Petra Demeglio from Trenton UBF also attended three days of CME in the early morning. Since we had been preparing CME ministry with prayer and planning, there was a great work of the Holy Spirit, which united and spiritually revived all missionaries and 2nd generations. In NJ UBF, there are 12 missionary families and two second generation house churches. In total, NJ UBF is composed of 28 missionaries, five native shepherds, 45 2nd generations. 

On the first day of CME, Missionary David Kim shared his life testimony and IUPUI pioneering vision first so that the hearts of all attendants became receptive to the words of God. David Kim delivered a lecture on the ‘Spirituality of the Cross’, which woke us up spiritually to be ready for 1:1 fishing and campus mission. 

On the second day of CME, Missionary David Kim invited two missionaries from NJ to share their life testimonies. He had a sincere desire to learn about the prayer topics, struggles, and God’s work in the lives of NJ co-workers. He then lectured us on the ‘Spirituality of Mission’. His presentation helped us understand the purpose and necessity of campus mission from a biblical perspective and served to align NJ co-workers on the vision of campus mission in America. It also served to reinforce the spiritual identity of 2nd generation and 1st generation missionaries as a kingdom of priests in each generation.

The third and most attended day consisted of two more life testimony sharers and a special lecture entitled, “Effective Fishing and One to One Bible Study”. True to its name, it consisted of practical pointers on how to approach and invite students to one-to-one Bible studies. The strategies, case studies, and tactics that Missionary David Kim presented were vignettes from his own veteran experience as a senior staff shepherd in UBF. His stories demanded instant credibility and his experiences challenged missionaries to renew their devotion to campus mission and 2nd generations to commit to sharing the gospel with their classmates. 

The CME seminars and workshops, which we hope will be the first of many, provided the much-needed practical training our co-workers needed for revitalizing their spirit for campus mission. We believe that this training program will bear much fruit in our Fall semester outreach on the Rutgers and Princeton campuses, and we pray that this program continues to evolve to provide strategic support for UBF ministries all over the world. We pray that this may help lay the foundation for the evangelism of the world in our generation and we may pass on this rich spiritual heritage to the next generation. 

In Christ,

John Park