David Choo's Update

David Choo finished the first induction period with elimination of over 99.99% of cancer cells. 

Thank you for your prayer and love for us. 

We thank God who helped David to finish his first induction period upon favorable prognosis three days ago. God eliminated over 99.99 percent of the cancer cells in David's blood in four weeks of induction treatment. His ANC went up from 350 to 4700 within three weeks of treatment. God protected him from constipation and infection throughout the induction period.

A day before his bone marrow biopsy result, I could not concentrate at all due to uncertainty. However, David kept singing the gospel song all day long which says. "For those who believe in God nothing is impossible." And we praised the Lord together for a favorable prognosis.

From yesterday, we started the second cycle (consolidation, interim maintenance and delayed maintenance) which will last for the next seven months. This cycle aims to eradicate any residual cancer cells from David's blood and has a preventative function for the relapse. In this cycle, his ANC (blood count level) is expected to go down very much and it is possible that his body may be immune compromised.

We pray three things not to happen to him: any infection, constipation, side effects. We pray so that in this consolidation period, God may protect him from any infection and Jesus may heal his blood completely by the end of this period overcoming the next intensive seven months. We thank God who strengthens us and for the precious prayer support from the Lord's people. We pray that God may help David grow as a thoughtful, healthy and inspiring child of Him. We hold onto Hebrews 11:1 newly, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Thank you again for your prayer!

Graciela Choo, Louisville, KY