Tor & Lydia's Beautiful Wedding Ceremony, Ottawa UBF

God blessed the wedding ceremony very much through Pastor Abraham and Sarah Kim's visiting. Dr. Abraham Kim delivered a wedding address based on 1 Cor. 13:13, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." We have prayed for the new couple that "Faith, Hope and Love" remain in their married life and become sources of blessing to students. We were greatly honored for the precious servants' prayer and support. Thank God for the blessing upon this undeserved servant family.

There were around 120 guests who came from USA, Greece, and Canada. My families and relatives from Korea were not able to come because of MERS, even if they bought flight tickets. Lydia and Tor will move to Edmonton UBF, Alberta, this fall to complete their Law school. I pray that they may become a source of joy and encouragement to Edmonton UBF.