Akron UBF, OH Mission Report by Isaac Kim

Jesus’ Servant Leadership

 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk 10:45)

Part 1. Review

I give thanks to my Lord who has guided and blessed us despite our faults and weaknesses.  In January, based on my key vs. Rome 1:5 to live a life of obedience, my wife and I visited UA campus and met an exchange professor from C nation who opened his heart for Bible study.  For nine months, he received the word of God through one to two Bible study before leaving for his country.  He absorbed the word of God as a dry sponge does to water.  He marveled at the word of God and said; “when I go back to my country, I want to form a group to share the word of God with my students because the word of God is the most important.”  Certainly he tasted the living water by the help of the Holy Spirit.  He saw the desperate need of the word of God in his country. We pray that he may be a harvest worker for C nation gospel work.

Ciriaca and her family from NY --originally from Honduras-- happened to be our tenants.  M. Rebekah invited her to our SWS.  As she attends our WS, she receives the word of God simply and purely.  Her two sons, Randy and Justin, are also coming and growing to be great servants of God.

God enabled us to visit Israel and we had a chance to pray and walk where Jesus prayed and walked.  The holocaust and Israel’s conflict with neighboring nations have been unsolved questions in my heart.  But the holy land visit enlightened me to see problems from God’s perspective and see God’s sovereign rule. 

We see that our Lord Jesus will come soon and restore not only Israel but also this fallen world. 

We thank God for Dr. Todd White who has grown as a professor shepherd in WMU and now in New Mexico. He said the campus environment is dark spiritually.  But God strengthens him to be a light as he takes care of some students with one to one bible study.  Thank God for his delivering message as he visits Akron.  Thank God for Susan who loves the Lord and prays for us.  Thank God for Dave’s faithfulness to worship the Lord.  We visited Abraham and Grace Kim’s house church in Erie, Pa to pray and we encouraged each other as one family house church. Through attending Kimnet (Kingdom inter-missions network) we have been encouraged and challenged to recognize how precious and important is our world campus mission work for preaching the gospel.  Thank God for letting us participate in the network ministry. 

Thank God for blessing Paul and Jacob.  Paul and his wife Sarah are seeking God’s leading to be a blessing to others and to live a life of faith as God blesses them.  God has used Jacob and Eunmi to serve UIC ministry.  Since Jacob became a fellowship leader he has grown to be a spiritual leader.  God has blessed him to be a successful manager at work. His wife Eunmi sacrificed her residency to support Jacob raising disciples as well as her two sons Joseph and Daniel wonderfully. I thank God that God is using M. Rebekah as a prayer warrior in every situation. Thank God for protecting M. Rebekah as she drives to Cleveland and works.  God used our one family house church to support a Korean pastor and now help a Ugandan missionary family financially.  We pray that God may use us for world mission work and to be a blessing to many others. By God’s help we could manage rental properties.    

Part 2. Vision and Strategy

This year my theme song is “Guide me O thou Great Jehovah.”  Through that I may humbly depend on God and practice the servantship of Jesus based on Mark 10:45. I realized how I am prone to be served in my selfishness and narrow mind.  I pray that I may practice Jesus servantship by God’s help.  My life of mission will bear fruit by serving others rather than expecting to be served. 

Prayer topics are:

  1. To learn Jesus’ servantship and practice.
  2. To have disciple-making ministry
  3. God may send harvest workers for UA campus and beyond.

One word: ‘Jesus servant leadership’