Cornerstone UBF Mission Report by Dr. Luke Lim

Year 2014

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor 1:18)

We began with a key verse 1 Cor 1:18, so that in all that we do, we may rely on the power of the Gospel. God did great works in and among us. In addition to four missionaries, there were six growing members (students and grads) one among them, Sarah Jr. was in China.

Also we had 6 prayer topics.

  1. To live and serve in the Spirit of Christ.
  2. God may open a way for us to serve world mission.
  3. God may give his word to M Luke Lim and M David Yun so that they can deliver God's message in power.
  4. Raise our four Bible students to be Bible teachers and raise one American shepherd by 2017.
  5. 20 Sunday worship attendants and 30 1:1
  6. Sarah Yun Jr, who has served students in China, may stay healthy and grow in faith.

One of the four Bible students went back to his country and has continued Bible study. Though I was busy in studying and had little time for anything else, God blessed us richly in His grace.

At the end, we assessed what God has done among us in 2014 as follows:

  1. To live and serve in the Spirit of Christ.
    1. All members accepted this as the key spirit to carry out the works of God and all made efforts to do so.
    2. We found various weaknesses among ourselves and prayed that each of us may overcome these weaknesses in order to conform ourselves to the life of Christ.
    3. Growing shepherds began to notice the Spirit of Christ as the main theme of our lives. 
  2. God may open a way for us to serve world mission. --God opened four ways for us to serve world mission
    1. Offered financial support for the mission works in two places in the oversea mission.
    2. Began teaching of two oversea members via skype.
    3. Serve oversea and domestic missionaries through messages on the web. 
    4. Sarah Yun (Jr.) served a mission in Yuen Byun China
  3. God may give His word to M Luke Lim and M David Yun so that they can deliver God's message in power.
    1. Fifty messages were prepared and delivered.
    2. There were few messages that reflected the power in the words of God, most of the message could not go beyond exposition and could not bring the power in the words of God even with much efforts. We pray that God may give us more time for exposition, meditation and practice of delivery of messages. 
  4. Raise our four Bible students to be Bible teachers and raise one American shepherd by 2017.
    1. Two had problems in their job search and one moved back to his country. But all of them continue to study the Bible and are growing in the knowledge of God.
    2. Two training opportunities were provided for them, whereby they could observe and learn the words of God by themselves as well as they could express what they had learned.
    3. One volunteered to go overseas for mission through another agency and serve for two months. 
  5. 20 Sunday worship attendants and 30 1:1
    1. Sunday attendants averaged 7-8 each week (3-4 students)
    2. One to ones : 6-7 each week.
  6. Sarah Yun Jr, who has served students in China, may stay healthy and grow in faith in Christ.
    1. She faced some difficulties in her health but persevered well in prayer. 

Year 2015

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.(Heb 10:23)

Overall, I felt that 2014 was one of the difficult years for me mainly because of two things; first, we did not add any new members. Second, I was busy with school work and did not have much time and energy to do anything else. 

Despite a lack of visible fruit, God blessed us far more than we could imagine as noted in 2014 report.  This inspired me to stand firm in confidence in two ways: He opened a new way for me to serve world mission, i.e. even at home I can engage in Bible studies with any members in the world. Second, helps for in-depth Bible study is greatly needed among many missionaries in the world, which was shown through their visit on our web; much of this credit is due to M David Yun, who devoted much of his effort especially in preparing messages and message delivery.

If all goes as planned, I will be finishing school in this year. I am eagerly waiting for that time. In such a time as this, God encouraged me through Heb. 10:19-34. Despite difficulties we pray that we may stay the course through perseverance. We chose Heb. 10:23 as our key verse as the source of our prayer for the year 2015. 

  1. To live and serve in the Spirit of Christ.
    1. Since all members accepted to live by the Spirit of Christ, we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
    2. Make all efforts so that this may be the spirit that lives in and among us all. 
  2. God may open a way for us to serve world mission. --God opened four ways for us to serve world mission
    1. We served two places in the oversea mission through monetary supports. We may continue our prayer for them and may increase the amount of support according to ability that God gives us.
    2. Increase the number of distant teaching to three times a week via web.
    3. Supply messages that will help understanding on systematic aspect of each passage.
    4. Develop and build an in-house program to provide ‘Sabbath-Rest’ for oversea and domestic missionaries.
  3. God may give His word to M Luke Lim and M David Yun so that they can deliver God's message in power.
    1. We pray that God may give us more time for exposition, meditation and practice of delivery of messages. 
  4. Raise our four Bible students to be Bible teachers and raise one American shepherd by 2017.
    1. Two had problems in their job search and one moved back to his country. But all of them continue to study the Bible and are growing in the knowledge of God.
    2. Provide them with two training opportunities.
    3. We pray that they may be able to express their faith freely to others.
    4. We pray that they may have one oversea mission experience.
    5. God may raise one American Bible teacher.  
  5. Sunday worship and one-to-one’s
    1. More than 5 students may added to SWS.
    2. One to ones may grow to 10 each week.
  6. Sarah Yun Jr, who has served students in China, may stay healthy and grow in faith in Christ.