Great Lakes Region Spring Bible Conference

We thank God for blessing the 2015 Great Lakes Region Spring Bible Conference abundantly. It was held at Beulah Beach conference center next to Lake Erie from April 17-19.  72 people gathered from Akron, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Erie, Novi and Toledo. The conference title was “Found in Jesus” based on Luke 15:24, “’For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

Chapter directors prepared for this conference prayerfully and sincerely, coworking well together. We sensed that God was with us and led us to prepare this conference with one mind and heart.

We had four messages; 1) New Identity in Christ (Romans 5:1-11) by David Lee; 2) The Father’s love (Luke 15:11-32) by Jeff Gathergood; 3) What is your name? (Luke 8:26-39) by David Edwards; 4) That I may gain Christ and be found in him (Php 3:1-14) by Russell Kille. Their messages were clear, gracious and powerful.

We also had four life testimonies shared by Peter Park, James Bae, Doug Fortman and Helen Park.  Their testimonies revealed that they were lost but found in Jesus.

We had group Bible studies and testimony sharing in seven small groups. For each meeting we had joyful praise and worship, representative prayers and special music. We also had afternoon sports for young people, a camp fire, a workshop on “How to Share Christ,” and communion.

On Sunday, Thanksgiving offering was collected and was used partly to subsidize students’ registration fee and the rest kept as a fund for the future Great Lakes Region discipleship ministry.

We were happy to have fellowship with coworkers, learn the greatest love of our Father God and have a clear identity in Christ our Lord and Savior.

Everyone enjoyed the conference so much that we decided to have this GLR conference annually with several prayer topics: 1) to raise our children as our future gospel coworkers; 2) to raise students as disciples of Jesus and gospel coworkers; 3) to pray for the work of God through Europe UBF. Through this annual Great Lakes Region Spring Conference, we have the vision to revive the work of God in each chapter, to strengthen our love relationship and unity among chapters and pray for the work of God in Europe.

Henry Park