DuPage UBF Easter

2015 DuPage Easter Bible Conference Report

Thank God for all his grace poured out on our humble ministry.  We could experience much grace through powerful messages of the resurrection, graceful testimonies, and the help of our friends. 

On the first night we had 31 attendants. We are so thankful for 18 members of Triton UBF chapter who attended.  It gave us hope to see our small rented classroom filled to that capacity always.  It also gave our speakers much confidence and created a warm and friendly atmosphere.  Alan Boyd began the Good Friday service by sharing his message on 1 Corinthians 15:1-34.  He helped us to focus our attention back to the gospel as of first importance.  He testified how the gospel is a God-made story that should be passed on to others as of first importance, for it saves and changes us.  After that we had two beautiful life testimonies: Gary Ziemba shared the struggles and troubles in his life with his marriage and kids, battling with serious cancer three times.  It would be a dark story but it became a testimony of the resurrection.  Through his faith and repentance Gary’s life became like that of Jacob the patriarch.  He is now caring for his wife, children and even grandchildren.  His faith in Jesus has healed wounds and repaired relationships and enabled him to lead his children to Christ.  Bomadeli from Triton ministry gave the second testimony based on John 5:6-8.  He testified how his life had been difficult since childhood due to his injuries and a sense of uselessness.  But Jesus called him and showed him that he is useful and beautiful in his eyes. He was able to overcome fatalism and be used by God as a good Christian and Bible teacher at Triton College.  That night we had special duet song by Elena Ruiz and Msn Gideon Bahn.

On Saturday we had a fantastic group Bible study of John 11 led by Elena Ruiz.  She diligently prepared in the midst of her busy work and study schedule.  After a dinner fellowship, Ruth and Joshua from Triton ministry who are both excellent singers and musicians, led us to sing together three songs to prepare our hearts.  We were also blessed to hear a hymn sung by Matthew Monroe on the piano played by Sarah Bahn.  The main message on John 11 was delivered by Jeremy Hajek.  He emphasized that Jesus commanded us to take away the tomb stone.  God was to reveal his glory through the death of beloved Lazarus. Though it was hard to see, it could be seen if they took away the stone. God blessed Jeremy’s family to experience the power of the resurrection.

We shared graceful testimonies that revealed Jesus’ grace.  Elena Ruiz shared how resurrection faith had helped her overcome her fear of tests and prepare for her graduate school entrance exam.  Scot Gass shared his life story based on Matt 7:24. He was a man of many talents but lost them all when he was in sin.  When he came back to Christ, he was restored to use his talents and he is helping his daughter and grandson to stay faithful to Christ no matter the cost. 

On Easter Sunday we had an extended worship service with 21 attendees.  (shown in the picture)  The program began with a song presented by our woman’s vocal team--Amanda Giampeitro and Elena Ruiz—with a guitar played by Gideon Bahn.  The main message on 1 Corinthians 13 was delivered by M. Gideon Bahn.  We could learn how Jesus’ resurrection has power to transform our hearts to have God’s love (agape) for ourselves and others in the way that we could not do before.  We learned that we must grow in the love of Jesus that lasts forever.

We had two testimonies shared by Matt Cizek and Amanda Giampietro.  Matt shared on John 11:25-26 about how he triumphed over the dark things by the power and grace of Jesus.  His life is now a joy and beautiful testimony to Jesus.  Amanda Giampietro shared on 2 Samuel 14 about God’s love and grace she found in the word of God.  Her life has been changed to be beautiful by the power and grace of Jesus.

The closing message on 1 Corinthians 15:58 delivered by Carlos Ocasio focused on four parts; (1) Stand firm and rise up in Jesus, (2) Let nothing move you, (3) Always give yourself fully to God, and (4) Focus on Trusting God because death is defeated.  We give thanks for Carlos’ hard work, receiving message training with all his heart and strength. His family was there to support him.  He was well prepared and the Holy Spirit worked through him to give us all hope in the power of Jesus and to focus on Jesus. 

We are very thankful for M. Mary Bahn who served many things behind the scene and prepared the snacks.  We are thankful for Triton UBF members who participated in and served the conference, brining snacks.  We are thankful for all those who prayed for us. 

Written by Jeremy Hajek & Gideon Bahn