Connecticut UBF Ministry Report by Jeremiah Lee

2014 Annual Review

Seung Hong and Yeachan Kim, who came to Bible studies and attended Sunday worship services sincerely, graduated in May. Seung got a nice position at an IT company and Yeachan is applying for medical schools. They visited UConn a couple of times in the fall and we could pray together. Minji Choi and Tae­hyun Park came to Bible studies and attended Sunday worship services. Minji got accepted into the pharmacy program as we all prayed.

Tae­hyun had a tumor near his heart, which had caused no symptoms and which he knew nothing about, but the tumor popped into pieces during some exercise in September. The broken pieces of tumor spread out all over his body causing clogging in his blood vessels. As a result, his legs had to be cut and his kidney and heart malfunctioned. Thankfully, multiple surgeries saved his life and he is recovering his health. A truly amazing thing is that Tae­hyun got closer to God through this tragic event. This event raised many questions about God, faith and life.

Gideon and Hannah Shin, who are pioneering Springfield, MA, came to UConn and joined Sunday worship services once a month. We could share prayer topics and have fellowship to strengthen each other.

God continued to bless the group Bible study of Happy Family. The Happy Family is a regular meeting of a group of Korean women who live in the area of UConn and its vicinity. Many of them are wives of UConn professors and graduate students. Esther Lee led the group Bible study of Happy Family. There has been the work of the Holy Spirit through their Bible studies.

Esther Lee graduated from a community college in May and began to work at a dental clinic as an administrative staff. The children, Grace and Joseph, came to know more about God. Grace has applied for colleges and Joseph has made progress in all aspects.

2015 Vision and Strategy

The key verse of 2014 was 1 John 4:16b “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” The key verse of 2015 is Colossians 3:1 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” We pray that we may put our hope in the kingdom of God and focus more on spiritual things. Our prayer topics are as follows:

1. Students may find rest and gain strength through Bible studies and worship services. 2. Members of the Happy Family may receive the word of God through Bible studies. 3. Grace Lee may get closer to God after entering a college.

4. We may strengthen fellowship with Gideon and Hannah Shin.