Montreal UBF Easter Bible Conference


Key Verse Matthew 28:9 “Suddenly Jesus met them. ‘Greetings,’ he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.”

We praise and thank God for the deep joy that comes from finding the all-satisfying power, love and unswerving purpose from worshipping the Risen Jesus. We thank God for granting us new life and faith at our Easter Conference Retreat at Ermitage Ste. Croix in Pierrefonds, Quebec. All people, even Christians can feel that life is without true significance or any all-encompassing joy or vision. It is because we do not see Jesus, especially the Risen Jesus for who he really is. Through 4 different messengers and 1 presentation we experienced new joy and faith by seeing the real Jesus through the window of God’s word. M. Stephen Kwon gave a message titled, “In This Way, You Will Be Forgiven” based on the OT sin offering from Leviticus 4-5. Next s. Marcel Rodney gave an excellent presentation on Leviticus to see Jesus through the 5 OT offerings. His presentation was called “From Shadow to Reality”. Next, from m. Pierre Jung’s powerful and dramatic message “Worship the King of the Jews”, we could experience God`s love when Jesus cried out in deep faith and sorrow as he paid the price of being forsaken due to our sins and unbelief. “My God, My God, why have your forsaken me?” On Saturday night m. David Na gave the message of good news that wipes out our sin, despair and the fear of death, “He is risen!” The earthquake, the angel, the foiled plot of the religious leaders, and his presence point to the fact that the Risen Jesus is limitless in power, love and unwavering purpose. We find Jesus and all he is when we worship him like the women, in reverent fear and faith. Finally s. Lesedi Masisi from who has been with us from Wits UBF and who just experienced a victory in his Ph.D studies gave a dynamic message titled, “True and Proper Worship” based on Romans 12. With his message he dedicated his life as a living sacrifice and his Ph. D to spread the gospel as a Bible teacher & messenger of God’s word in South Africa where he will be soon returning.

Our HBF youth group sang an awesome special song “Love Like Fire” for s. Lesedi’s message and also played part of Beethoven’s 7th symphony for the offering song.  We also thank God for granting us 41 attendants and that new people like Denise and her sister Catherine, Matthew (HBF), Annie, Andrée as well as m. Peter and Teresa Jang from Université de Montréal UBF could join our Easter worship celebration.