South Jersey(Atlantic City) Mission Report by Peter Cho

Preach the Word

The key verse of our chapter in 2014 was 2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” We prayed to preach the gospel in season and out of season. God helped us to preach the gospel to some students who had the spiritual desire.

I. 2014 Annual Review

In 2014, we studied the gospel of Matthew, Romans, and Eight Steps for the Beginner. Through the gospel of Matthew, we learned Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He sacrificed himself completely to become a spiritual king. Through the study of Romans, we laid a solid foundation for Christianity: We can be saved only by faith, not by our good behavior. When we firmly believe God’s great love, we can overcome any adverse situation. Through the Eight Steps study, we learned the core of the gospel: Jesus’ death and resurrection. With Jesus we can be forgiven of any sins. God blessed us with His precious words throughout the whole year.

In this year, my wife, missionary Christine, and I visited several missionary families in the USA and Canada. We visited one missionary family in Louisville, KY, that served in China for a long time and Missionary Paul Jin’s family at George Mason University in VA in June. Missionary Paul Jin came to the USA as a student missionary after 10 years in an intern shepherd role in Hankang UBF. God blessed Jin’s devotion to become a professor missionary at GMU. Our visiting was a big encouragement to his family and to us. During the Vancouver international conference, we also visited Missionary John Kim’s family, who pioneers the University of British Columbia. They try hard to lay a foundation in campus ministry and work hard to be self-supporting missionaries. We encouraged both with Sunday worship service and sincere conversation.

We have been holding worship service on the Stockton College campus. After the worship service, we had a group bible study with several students. We have studied with the Eight Steps for the Beginner questionnaire. We will continue this group bible study with other texts in 2015.

It was my second year at Stockton College in NJ as a professor missionary. God blessed my second year in many ways. I received very good students’ teaching evaluations for both semesters. I published a paper at a good journal and received some grant money from my school. I also presented the research results at a prominent math education international conference in Vancouver, Canada, in July. Thanks be to God who enabled me to do good work in the college.

II. 2015 Vision and Strategy

Our new year’s key verse is the same as 2014, 2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” In 2015, we would like to preach the gospel boldly. Nowadays, every college student is busy doing something. Even in time of relaxation, they use SNS. Preaching the gospel is not easy to the busy mind. However, the gospel should be preached to the students by any means. In this year, we pray to approach the students more boldly and have several one-on-one bible study students. May God help us to preach the gospel by any means!

One word: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season.