Troy and Sarah's Beautiful Wedding, Los Angeles UBF

Troy S. and Sarah Hyemi S. established a beautiful house church

It was a hot day full of sunshine on the morning of March 7th, 2015, a typical day in Southern California. Guests began to arrive early around 10 am though the wedding began at 11 am. Troy (the Groom) was handsomely dressed in a black suit and tie, calm and cool as usual, being pulled this way and that to greet various guests. Various members of the Los Angeles UBF were diligently decorating and putting the final touches on the gathering hall for the ceremony. The house was packed and the bride Sarah H. was running ten minutes late and the photographer seemed to be missing in action. Thankfully God provided, and many people including Missionary Phillip brought many cameras to capture the important moments. Sarah, who was beautifully dressed in a white dress and long veil,  arrived and LA’s grand orchestra started the proceedings playing magnificently. Pastor John never seemed to miss a beat while officiating the service and spoke of both Troy and Sarah’s life testimonies, the meaning of their marriage, and their vows before God. Both the Bride and Groom seemed very happy and shared a passionate kiss once the marriage pact was sealed!

The festivities continued as the hall was transformed into a dining area. Many photos were taken and a feast of various foods such as fish, beef, and Asian cuisine was served. The party continued with many blessings, speeches, and songs from the Waterloo UBF and LA UBF, parents of the bride and groom, Maid of Honor Sophie Cote and Best man Gregg, and a final hilarious song medley from LA UBF’s Andrew. God was at the center of this wonderful wedding and all seemed to have a wonderful time. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!