York UBF Annual Report by John Lee


“But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” (Ps 1:2)

I.2014 Annual Review

The York UBF key verse for 2014 was Philippians 1:6, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” We prayed to have absolute faith in God who started his good work of salvation in us and in York campus. We prayed that the Lord would carry on his good work in the hearts of students through His words and through the Holy Spirit. We also prayed that student leaders may grow as sacrificial servants of God. We continued to pray to raise 12 Bible teachers.

I thank and praise God for his mercy on us and for giving us His words of life. The Lord enabled us to carry on campus ministry. Joan Lee and Natan Bekit graduated from the university (Joan Lee 2013, Natan 2014). And they have been faithfully serving 1:1 students throughout the year. Aaron Yu became a student leader and has been very passionate to serve group Bible study and fishing ministry. I thank God for their growth and devotion. May God bless their heart desire and fill them with great joy as they serve students faithfully. x

In 2014, we continued to study the Book of Matthew, and completed it in December. I could see Jesus our true Shepherd King who sacrificed his own life in order to save His lost sheep. I could also learn the heavenly constitution for the kingdom of God. I thank and praise Jesus, my King. May I serve his will to make disciples of all nations.

We kept on praying for 1:1 Bible study while keeping campus group Bible study. Natan Bekit graduated from York University in the summer. He joined York UBF at the beginning of his first year. He kept studying Bible in campus group and continued studying God’s words through 1:1. God worked in his heart through the Holy Spirit. He has been very faithful throughout the school year. He actively served fishing and group study meetings and 1:1 ministry. Now he is serving Sam and Nicolas and Mahran faithfully through 1:1 Bible study. He applied for the teachers’ college in York University. Since Natan’s graduation, Aaron Yu is actively serving as a student leader. He began Bible study with M. Daniel from the first year at the university. He was baptized this year. He eagerly served invitation work this year. He began serving group Bible study and 1:1 Bible study. He is serving Jason through 1:1. He is doing his best to invite his friends. I thank God for God’s work in his life. Calvin Lee and David Sun went to China and continue their Bible study in Beijing. I thank God for his mercy and his work in us. I thank God for guiding my children John, Joan and Peter Lee. Joan Lee completed her study and is now working. She has been faithfully serving her 1:1 students, Neha and Chang (York U.), throughout the year. Peter Lee started studying in York U. this fall majoring in mechanical engineering. He faithfully served music in Sunday Worship and served group Bible study by attending.

I thank God for GTA Toronto co-workers who have been faithfully praying for each other’s ministry. GTA and Hamilton UBF directors regularly get together to study Kings and share prayer topics. We had united Summer Bible Conference. Growing leaders were trained as speakers. This year, Shepherd Joshua Lee and Shepherd Duk Hyun Gang visited GTA with special lectures. I thank God for the ongoing partnership in Christ between Canada and USA and Korea. With the support of Dr. Paul Hong I have participated in online Bible study. We completed a study on Judges. On campus, we participated in the united Christian movement tabling together with fellow Christian co-workers.

I thank God for his grace for us. God has been faithful to us giving us his words. I thank God for the co-workers, M. Lydia and M. Daniel Jung, who gave their hearts to serve students. I thank God for the student-leaders and for their love for God’s words and their hearts for campus mission.

II.Vision and Strategy for 2015.

The key verse for this year is Ps 1:2 “but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” We want to give our hearts to study and meditate on the words of the Lord. May God help each co-worker to have faithful personal devotion time and study the Bible deeply investing more time. May we grow in the wisdom of God.

I pray that our Bible teachers may grow to be disciple-makers. They have been faithfully serving 1:1 Bible study. May God bless them to grow as disciple-makers through one to one Bible study and care. And we are preparing the Canadian Summer Bible Conference.

Prayer Topics:

1.May we study and meditate on God’s words

2.May we keep serving 1:1 Bible study and discipleship ministry

3.May we keep praying to raise 12 Bible teachers