Ryerson UBF(Canada) Ministry Report by Charles Kim



Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

I. 2014 Annual Review

The key verse we took for 2014 was 2 Timothy 4:2 to preach the word of God in season and out of season. I would like to review what God has done among us and through us last year. For weekly Bible studies, we studied the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. In order to help students and second gens to understand Bible study materials, we covered only one or two chapters for each lesson. We could learn the way God worked for his people through Samuel and David.

On Easter weekend, we had a Bible Academy. Charles Kim Jr. delivered a message with the title “Young Man, Get Up!” (Luke 7:11-17). God blessed his struggle to prepare the message and his message appealed to young students and second gens. Seven students shared their testimonies. They are Preston, Brian, Jermaine, July, Jeremy, Rebecca, and Grace.

On July 4-6, we had Summer Bible conference among chapters in Toronto area, Hamilton, and Guelph. The title was “Repent and Believe”. Main messages were delivered by Canadian disciples. We could witness that God has been working in Toronto area by raising Canadian disciples so that they could deliver heart-moving main messages, share sincere testimonies, and serve as presiders. Second gens from Ryerson could perform a skit before main message.

From Ryerson, Abraham Shin and Charles Kim attended CIS Summer Bible conference (August 21-24) along with other Canadian coworkers. The theme of the conference was “CIS-God’s Kingdom.” Before the conference, we were concerned about the political situation between Russia and Ukraine. God answered prayer support from his servants, accepted CIS coworkers’ dedication, and blessed the conference abundantly. M. Point’s tearful and heart-moving message entitled “Jesus’ Love of Forgiveness” touched our hearts. During and after the conference, we could have fellowship with missionaries in CIS. Many of them have been in Russia more than 20 years. Still, they are not allowed to buy a house and they have to renew their visa each year. God blessed their sacrificial life to be fruitful and their children are growing with clear identity as second gen missionaries.

Canadian chapters have been holding leaders’ conferences before new school year began in September for the last several years. For this year, we had leaders’ conference on August 31 with the theme, “Worship.” Through Dr. Henry Kim’s message and presentations by a few coworkers, we learned about worship from biblical and historical perspectives, and our attitude for worship. Through corporate worship on Sundays, one can grow with commitment to God and ministry, and believers’ community can be established.

As Fall Semester began, we studied John’s gospel to accommodate newly invited students. Sunday messages were delivered among men missionaries in turn. God blessed M. Anna and M. Hannah’s campus visit and invitation ministry, and sent us a faithful student, Shem, a freshmen majoring in engineering at Ryerson. His father is a pastor in Kenya and he came to study in Canada as an international student. Dave has musical talent. He used go to different churches, but his thirst for fellowship was not quenched. He now uses his talent by serving special music program on Sundays. Brian has been faithful in keeping one to one Bible studies and writing reflections. He recently shared that his parents were missionaries in Turkey and China, and he grew up in China until he was 10 years old. May God grow him to be a missionary like his parents. August is from China, and is in the graduate program in engineering. He never studied the Bible before. Since he began Genesis one to one Bible study one and a half years ago, he is faithful in keeping Bible study and writes reflections. Sean was seeking truth through philosophies. His truth seeking led him to acknowledge that truth is in Christ Jesus. He enjoys Bible study each week. Jen came to Canada from the Philippines as a visitor for six months. While she was in Canada, she came to our ministry and participated in Bible study and worship service. Now she returned to her country and wants to come back to Canada. May God guide her. God sent us other students including Preston, Maria, Julie, Jermaine, Jungtak, and Derrick. In helping God’s flock, we learn that there are thirsty souls who love to study the word of God.

God has been working among second gens. Charles Kim Jr. serves Sunday worship service as a presider. Anna Seo serves as a pianist in our ministry. Rebecca Kim is willing to organize in serving lunch after Sunday service when second gens’ turn comes. Caleb Seo and Joseph Chon Jr. joined Hamilton ministry while they study at McMaster University. Joshua Kim and David Seo are in Grade 12 and will apply for university programs this year. Younger second gens, Hajun Chon (Gr 11), Edward Shin (Gr 8), Noah Lee (Gr 5), Jennifer Lee (Gr 1), and Emily Lee (J.K), are growing under God’s grace. Five missionary families are building a community of love at Ryerson. They are Abraham & Hannah Shin, Andrew & Sarah Lee, Isaiah & Maria Seo, Joseph & Priscilla Chon, and Charles & Anna Kim.

Lastly, God led us to a new Bible house in December last year. For the last nine years, God used our old Bible house. The rent for the old Bible house was higher than we could bear. Renting an affordable space for our Bible house was not easy in downtown Toronto. When we prayed earnestly and sought God’s guidance, God led us to a better place with a lower rent. The location is closer to the campus and has easier access for students to come for Bible study and worship service. May God use this Bible house to raise disciples from campus students.

II. 2015 Vision and Strategy

As I prayed for new year’s direction, Mark 10:45 came to my heart, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” My shepherd gave me this verse as my life key verse, and I took this verse as my annual key verse for many years. I confess that it is still remote from me and feel that this verse is unnatural to me. Years ago at a staff conference, Dr. Samuel Lee emphasized that unless we serve with life-giving spirit, nothing will happen. At that time, I did not take it seriously. After decades of life in my mission field, while meditating on the new year’s direction, Dr. Lee’s teaching pierced my heart to the point of shedding tears. Serving is Jesus’ lifestyle which is the role model for all of us. Jesus served sinners until he give his life for sinners like me. To serve is a practical way of expressing Jesus’ love. Where there is serving, there is life-giving work of God. May God help me to learn Jesus’ servantship. May God bless us to imitate Jesus’ servantship this year.

Our prayer topics include:

1. To learn Jesus’ servantship by serving God’s flock and building the community of love.

2. To establish 40 one to one Bible studies and 30 Sunday worship attendees each week.

In Christ,

Charles Kim