Rideau UBF(Canada) Ministry Report by Samuel S. Yoon

Key verse: Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


The key verse we chose last year was 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season, correct, rebuke and encourage – with patience and careful instruction.” We started 2014 after the completion of John’s gospel and we were challenged by Jesus’ last question. We wanted to grow in our love for Jesus and continue to carry out one-to-one Bible studies as our expression of our love for Jesus.

We have studied Ruth, Romans, the first part of the book of Daniel, and the gospel of Mark.

Through Bible studies, we learned the sovereign rule of God and the power of faith.  God is in control. In faith and expectation, we can watch how God works out his plans through nations and individuals. And we resolved to serve God regardless of the consequences. We have been studying the gospel of Mark since last September.

Mary-Ruth, Josephine and Christine have been faithful in studying the word of God and worshiping God. Christine moved to Beijing for work in UNEP Beijing office. Oliver, Stephanie, Audrey and Magdala have sincerely studied the word of God. Though they were overburdened by school study, they participated in club displays and club fairs and helped us out to invite new students to our one to one and group Bible studies. Sarah attended European summer Bible conference. Our prayer is that they may be active in serving other students with the word of God.

We have been greatly encouraged by M. Moses and Deborah’s family joining us since they moved from Toronto to Ottawa with their three children last April. We have come to know each other in God and built a vessel of prayer through group Bible studies, worship services, summer retreat, and Christmas worship. M. Moses has been doing well in his denture clinic business in spite of his first year of business experience. His three children joined Montreal’s CBF conference. We thank and praise God for what he has done among us and for us.


Our key verse for 2015 is Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This year I want to focus on learning Jesus specifically in view of his servantship.  With Mark’s gospel study, we pray that all of us may recognize and meet Jesus personally who came to us as a servant. And we are praying that each of us may imitate Jesus and grow in our character of Jesus’ servantship. God may establish 20 one to one Bible studies and 15 Sunday worship services. God may bless our campus Sunday worship services to be a lamp of God burning in U of Ottawa campus. We will continue to use the club’s display every month to invite new students. We earnestly pray that our Bible students may learn Jesus who came as a servant by serving others. We pray for Mary-Ruth’s job and marriage and Josephine’s PhD study and marriage.


We studied the book of Luke’s gospel for 2 years since we arrived in Winnipeg in July, 2012, and then we have been studying the book of Acts thereafter. We are worshipping God at 11 AM on Sunday and praying to invite campus students and friends at workplace and school to our Sunday worship service. We pray that by faith we may have 10 SWS attendants by 2016.

Every Saturday, we have GBS to prepare our hearts for Sunday worship service. Msn. Sarah Kim prepared and served GBS for my children. John Caldo also joined it from time to time. We wrote one-word testimony along with thanksgiving, repentant, and prayer topics and shared our testimonies and prayed for each other. John and my children enjoyed praising God with Gospel songs at times. God blessed GBS for us to grow together in Jesus.

Since July 2012, we have been visiting U of Manitoba Fort Garry main campus at least once or twice a week to build altar of prayers on campus. We are praying for God that UM Bible Reading Café may be registered as a students’ club by 2019. Even though it is difficult to share Gospel with UM students, we have tried to share the gospel with coworkers and patients at workplace and friends in schools. Msn. Paul has five regular senior Bible students from workplace and he serves them with 1:1 during his break time. Our three children have been participating in UM ministry.

Winnipeg is very distant and isolated. The nearest chapter is Minneapolis UBF in Minnesota, USA. In August, we joined Minneapolis Summer Bible conference by driving 10 hours. We were really encouraged through the messages and fellowship with coworkers. Msn. Stephen and Grace Yang and Msn. Jacob and Esther Park sincerely prayed for our family and Winnipeg ministry. At Canadian thanksgiving weekend, we visited Msn. Abraham and Sarah Lee in Calgary and had a thanksgiving Sunday worship service together. God blessed two families with the word of God from the book of Habbakkuk.

The key verse of Winnipeg is 2 Tim 2:15a "Do your best to present yourself to God!"

2015 Prayer topics:

  1. The book of Acts study
  2. Campus prayer through UM Bible Reading Club
  3. 10 1:1 ministry and 1 disciple-making ministry
  4. 10 SWS attendants by 2016
  5. UM Bible Reading Cafe student club registration by 2019